Sunday, November 24, 2013

Woody Woodpecker For Sunday...!

It's time for us to reach back into our checkered past and pull up some oldies, but goodies! Sometimes we might rattle a memory or two!

Are you ready?

We haven't done a Woody Woodpecker in a while, have we? Some of these might reach back a few years, but then so do I!

I figure that one more might round off the day!Ain't this a great way to start off the day?

Maybe these will bring you a smile or two! That's always nice!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Too cold outside on the patio!


  1. Love the old WW cartoons!
    Had some snow last night - very cold and very windy here now. I'll bring a warm crumb cake for all.

  2. Coooollllddd here this a.m. A warm kitchen and warm crumb cake. mmmmm. Thanks for the smiles and the invite :))
