Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cartoons For A Warm Sunday...!

I don't want to rub it in, but the high today is headed to 72! Not bad January weather, I'd say!

To make up for the fact that so many of my favorite readers are still feeling the blast from old man Winter, I have a few 'toons I hope will take the edge off the cold! So snuggle up, throw another log on the fire, and enjoy...

Ya know, this warmer weather has me thinking about gardening again. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it does!

Ol' Bugs has been around for long, long time! Probably known the world over! Not bad for a cartoon character, huh?

I figure we should have just one more, don't you? Yeah...why not?

Well, That's all for now, I reckon. Hope it helps to chase away some of the chill!

Coffee out on the patio this morning again. Hope you don't mind!


  1. Four of 'em! Thanks Mr. Hermit! Warmed up yesterday - but with rain, thunder and lightning. More cold weather a-coming later this week.

  2. What a great way to start another beautiful day. Thank You.

    Our mornings are still really chilly but the days warm up real nice. Around the same temps you are having. So yes lets do have our coffee on the patio.
