Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bugs On A Sunday...!

Sunday! That means cartoons. That means coffee with friends or family. Sound good? Alrighty then!

Don't you just love these older cartoons?

What did we do before cartoons came along? Read them in the papers, I guess!

I'd say that Elmer has changed a tad over the years, wouldn't you? But then, I guess we all do!

Sorry, but I just couldn't resist that last one! I'm a sucker for the old military 'toons!

Well, guess that will have to do for now. Don't want to take up all your time today. Me...I'm going out and enjoy the sun!

Coffee out on the patio this morning! Looking good out there!


  1. Sharing a cup, good toons and a sunny patio. Sounds like the makings of a good morning to me. Thank you and have a wonderful Sunday :))

  2. 4 of 'em-thanks Mr. Hermit! Love the old 'toons, too.

  3. Good toons today and your patio sounds better than my porch. Chilly here again. :(

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Any excuse to get out for a while is a good thing!

    That sun can sure make you feel better!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I just couldn't resist that last one!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Looks like we have mostly warm weather here for a while, and I sure am glad!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  5. haven't seen one for awhile. thanks
