Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Sunday Funnies...!

Well, here it is the first Sunday of February, so we'll have some February fun to start the month off right!

How about some Droopy? We haven't seen him in a while!

Something about Droopy that I really like. Can't quite put my finger on it, though.

Want another? Sure...why not!

Well, that should get the month started off properly, don't you think? At least it will help a bit!

Coffee inside due to the rain. How about some buttered grand biscuits and sausage gravy?


  1. Ah, Sunday 'toons! Thanks Mr. Hermit!Breakfast sounds wonderful -

  2. I forgot about these guys.

    Breakfast sound yummy, in the kitchen all nice an warm. Pretty cold here this morning.

  3. I'd forgotten about them. too...nice way to start the day...and love sausage gravy n biscuits!!! I'll bring some fresh fruit salad to top it off :))

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    You are certainly more than welcome, my friend!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey BBC...
    I appreciate the thought!

    Thanks for the visit !

    Hey Jo...
    Yeah, we don't see much of them at all! Not too popular anymore!

    Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    At least we are all thinking about them today!

    I like fruit salad!

    Thanks for dropping by today!
