Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Masterson's Final Gunfight On Western Wednesday...!

Many of the legends of the Old West died like they lived...with their boots on. Others, like Bat Masterson, were luckier.

Bat seemed to be one of the folks that managed to roll with the punches and live to a fairly ripe old age. Still, he remains a legend of the earlier wild and wooly times in the old days! Many of us do seem to like our legends, right?

Apr 16, 1881:
Bat Masterson's last shootout

On the streets of Dodge City, famous western lawman and gunfighter Bat Masterson fights the last gun battle of his life.

Bartholomew "Bat" Masterson had made a living with his gun from a young age. In his early 20s, Masterson worked as a buffalo hunter, operating out of the wild Kansas cattle town of Dodge City. For several years, he also found employment as an army scout in the Plains Indian Wars. Masterson had his first shootout in 1876 in the town of Sweetwater (later Mobeetie), Texas. When an argument with a soldier over the affections of a dance hall girl named Molly Brennan heated up, Masterson and his opponent resorted to their pistols. When the shooting stopped, both Brennan and the soldier were dead, and Masterson was badly wounded.

Found to have been acting in self-defense, Masterson avoided prison. Once he had recovered from his wounds, he apparently decided to abandon his rough ways and become an officer of the law. For the next five years, Masterson alternated between work as Dodge City sheriff and running saloons and gambling houses, gaining a reputation as a tough and reliable lawman. However, Masterson's critics claimed that he spent too much as sheriff, and he lost a bid for reelection in 1879.

For several years, Masterson drifted around the West. Early in 1881, news that his younger brother, Jim, was in trouble back in Dodge City reached Masterson in Tombstone, Arizona. Jim's dispute with a business partner and an employee, A.J. Peacock and Al Updegraff respectively, had led to an exchange of gunfire. Though no one had yet been hurt, Jim feared for his life. Masterson immediately took a train to Dodge City.

When his train pulled into Dodge City on this morning in 1881, Masterson wasted no time. He quickly spotted Peacock and Updegraff and aggressively shouldered his way through the crowded street to confront them. "I have come over a thousand miles to settle this," Masterson reportedly shouted. "I know you are heeled [armed]-now fight!" All three men immediately drew their guns. Masterson took cover behind the railway bed, while Peacock and Updegraff darted around the corner of the city jail. Several other men joined in the gunplay. One bullet meant for Masterson ricocheted and wounded a bystander. Updegraff took a bullet in his right lung.

The mayor and sheriff arrived with shotguns to stop the battle when a brief lull settled over the scene. Updegraff and the wounded bystander were taken to the doctor and both eventually recovered. In fact, no one was mortally injured in the melee, and since the shootout had been fought fairly by the Dodge City standards of the day, no serious charges were imposed against Masterson. He paid an $8 fine and took the train out of Dodge City that evening.

Masterson never again fought a gun battle in his life, but the story of the Dodge City shootout and his other exploits ensured Masterson's lasting fame as an icon of the Old West. He spent the next four decades of his life working as sheriff, operating saloons, and eventually trying his hand as a newspaperman in New York City. The old gunfighter finally died of a heart attack in October 1921 at his desk in New York City.

Funny to look back and realize that more than one of the figures from the old west eventually went to work as a news reporter. Better to report the news than to always be making it, I reckon!

Coffee outside again. I'm really liking this warmer weather, ya know?


  1. Good story, Mr. Hermit. Funny he wound up in NY. Today is Dunkin Donut day!

  2. Great story! Watched the "Bat Masterson Show " when it was onTV. Always wondered how and when he died. Warmed up a little here yesterday - yippee!

  3. Another good story and end to what ever happened to him in the end.

    I'll bring some fresh ground Dunkin Coffee to go with the Donuts

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Back then New York seemed like the place to go! Sort of like Hollywood is now for many!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    I remember watching that show.

    I think that a lot of places are starting to see a little warming trend.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Coffee and donuts! Breakfast of champions! It's always good to know what happened to these guys, I think.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  5. Good post. The fact that so many of these ledgens ended up in the news business, may shed a little light on the character of present day paparazzi, don't you think? Meet everyone on the patio :))

  6. The Bat Masterson show is on the Western channel and when I am home. I always watch it. When not at home, I record it among other old westerns, like Gun Smoke and Wyatt Earp. The truth is about him is almost as violent as the show.

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Seemed to be sort of a next step for many old time gunfighters. Made for some interesting reading, I'll bet!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Guess that a lot of the guys back in those days were violent, but many in today's world are as well!

    Thanks for dropping by today!
