Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Tale Of Nellie Bly...!

We often talk about the adventures of some folks here at the Hermit's, but not often enough do we mention the women folks! Today we shall!

All in all, there were some very interesting women in our history. A lot of their names we don't remember, but I'll bet that many have heard the name of Nellie Bly! There might be some confusion as to what she did, but this article from Listverse should clear that right up!

Nellie Bly

Nellie Bly may be the most recognized name on this list, but she was born Elizabeth Cochran. Her adventures came about due to her work for the New York World paper. This was the age of ‘stunt’ journalism, and Bly’s first report was to be an exposé of a women’s lunatic asylum. Pretending to be demented, Bly was admitted and experienced the lot of the patients confined on the island. The food was rancid, the nurses brutal, and the asylum hardly fit for humans. The article she wrote was a breakthrough in investigative journalism, and led to reform for mental hospitals. Her next adventure was one that brought her worldwide fame. Bly undertook a challenge to make a trip around the world in a time faster than Phileas Fogg’s eighty days. She set out with a special passport signed by the Secretary of State, on November 14, 1889. Her voyage started in seasickness but would end in triumph. In France, she met Jules Verne, who thought she might manage the trip in 79 days, but never the 75 she hoped. Having steamed across seas, gone through the Suez Canal, seen Colombo and Aden, visited a Chinese leper colony and bought a Monkey, Bly made it back to New York in a time of 72 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes.

I'd bet that many a young lady was impressed enough by the actions of Nellie that they felt empowered to go out and start making their own mark in the world! Certainly wouldn't surprise me one bit!

Coffee inside again today. It's colder than it has been and inside sounds good to me! I hate cold feet!


  1. Thanks for the reminder with the story - had forgotten about her.
    It seems it's always cold here lately, Mr. Hermit! I'll bring warm corn bread for all.

  2. Very interesting story. I remember her name but not what she did so thanks for refreshing my memory. Very cold here also; my feet are perpetually cold. Coffee inside is good and thanks Chickenmom for the cornbread.

  3. Great post today. Nellie sure did leave her mark. took lots of chances and made it.

    I'll be happy to sit in the kitchen with everyone. I had cold feet all day yesterday even put on extra heave socks.

  4. It is so strange that both my wife and I remember the name but don't remember what she did. Thanks again for the great information.

  5. Most of us won't become household names but that is okay.

  6. I'd never heard of Nellie Bly, my wife had but can't remember why.

    It's good to hear of people doing things like this.
