Thursday, February 13, 2014

Updated Report From Airport Scans...!

With everything in the world being so crazy as of late, I just wanted to pass on to you this update on some full body scans!

It's always good to watch your tax dollars at work, don't you think?


CATSA disclosed the following Airport Screening Results

October 2013 Statistics On Airport Full Body Screening From CATSA :

Terrorists Discovered -0

Transvestites- 133

Hernias- 1485

Hemorrhoid Cases- 3172

Enlarged Prostates -8249

Breast Implants- 59350

Natural Blondes- 3

It was also discovered that 308 politicians had no balls.

Just thought you'd like to know.

I'm just trying to keep everyone informed at the successes in keeping us all safer, ya know? I know this info will help you rest easier at night!

How about we take a chance and have coffee out on the patio this morning? You game?


  1. ...hehehe, don't know whether to laff or cry...good one Brother

  2. Thanks for the hearty laugh to start off my day, Mr. Hermit! Will take a rain check on your warm patio. Gonna be snowed in today... again!

  3. LOL! that made my day. Will have to share this one with my friends who also don't like flying any more. We are having a heat wave here - 11 degrees this morning. Would love coffee on the patio.

  4. Those are great! Do they let you know if you have one of these problems it would be a great way to get a free check up. Always a wonderful way to start the day by having a good laugh.

    I would love to have coffee on the patio.

  5. Breast Implants- Harry calls them bolt on's.

  6. Hey Ken...
    Glad you liked it! Close to being the truth, ya know?

    Thanks for coming over this morning, my friend!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Too bad you can't get away from the snow for a bit.

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Linda M...
    Always happy to make someone smile! Hope your friends enjoy them!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    I don't know about the check up thing, but I'm not sure I want these folks to see my insides!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over!

    Hey BBC...
    As good a name as any, I reckon!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sure glad you enjoyed them today! Stay warm at your place!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  7. Got here a little late..SNOW AGAIN :( Sure enjoyed the much needed laugh...gonna stay tucked under my blanket with a good book today..Have a good day :))
