Sunday, March 2, 2014

Roadrunner For Sunday...!

This always seems to be everyone's favorite, so who am I to deny you anything?

The main problem is that I think I've put most of thesae on here before! Anyway, I guess they are always worth a second look, right?

Funny how humor like this crosses all borders and language barriers, isn't it?

Alright...just one more! See how nice I am?

Ok! Enough of this silliness! I've got a good book to read.Maybe a good nap after that, ya know?

Looks like it's the kitchen for coffee this morning. Raining outside once again!


  1. You always pick good ones for us! Very mild here at 25, but waiting for snow tonight. I'll bring blueberry muffins to go with your excellent coffee!

  2. You have excellent taste in toons ....Cm save me a muffin ! I know what you mean about the weather...33 this morning but they say we will have 1/4 in of ice follwed by 4-8 inches of snow by tomorrow :)) Good reating weather, but may have to do it by candle light :))

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Blueberry muffins sound like a winner to me!

    Bet you are tired of all the snow!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Gonna be an outbreak of cabin fever here real soon!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. I needed the toons this morning. Been a busy one here trying to pick up the slates from the carport the wind ripped off last night. Lots of rain here yesterday.

    Time for a refill on this cup please
