Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Eye Candy For Tuesday...!

I don't get thew chance very often to share something really beautiful with my readers, so I figured that today I would do just that!

Nature has many strange and beautiful places waiting to be seen and enjoyed. Way too often, we don't even stop long enough to appreciate the beauty in our own yards, and that's too bad. Today I want you to see someplace almost impossible to describe to somebody that hasn't at least seen a picture!

Zhangye Danxia

The Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park is located in southwest China and contains more than a few unusual features. Probably the most startling are the multicolored mountains known as Danxia landforms. The surreal coloration comes from red sandstone and natural mineral deposits that have formed over the course of 24 million years. Each “stripe” constitutes a different mineral, and over the ages, they’ve formed layer upon layer, resulting in a rainbow pattern. Erosion from wind and rain has further polished the surfaces of the mountains.

China is the only place in the world with this type of mineral formation, and a few of the landforms have become UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The town of Zhangye has capitalized on the international interest in the Danxia landforms, and there are dozens of separate tour companies leading groups into the rainbow mountains.

Looks like a page right out of a coloring book, don't ya think? At the very least it resembles a very nice painting! Either way, it makes for a pleasant scene!

Coffee outside today. It should be a tad cooler than the 92 we had yesterday!


  1. That looks unreal. It is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It looks like art rather than life! Thanks for passing that one on.

  3. It does look like it was colored or a painting! Hard to believe, but beautiful! Rain rain rain here but thank the Lord we haven't had the bad storms so many have..Prayers going out so many! Sorry I didn't mean to preach, this is just heavy on my heart today.

  4. Very, very pretty! It's going to rain soon-so will enjoy your patio. I'll bring some Lona Doone's for all.

  5. Oh Wow, that is incredibly beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Need something beautiful to look at this morning instead of the rain. I'll join you on the patio in between my rain drops.

  6. So beautiful! I would never have believed this was something natural, more like an explotion in a paint factory :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. Hey P.P...
    It does look like something out of a fantasy, doesn't it?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Very nice to look at, that's for sure!

    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I'm glad the worst of the weather passed you by. Strange these days!

    I thank you for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Lorna Doones are always good!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I figured a little beauty couldn't hurt, with all the bad stuff going around!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Christer...
    It does look artificial somehow, for sure!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. Those mountains are so bright that they would keep you up at night.
