Saturday, April 5, 2014

Scary Disease For Saturday...!

The main reason I wanted to put this on today is because it is so unusual! It's also very terrifying, to say the least.

You might be interested in knowing that none other than Mr. Thomas Edison help to cause this in at least one unknowing person. Nasty move, I'd say! Here's the story from our friends over at Listverse.

Peabody’s Diminutionentry

Ever had a really bad migraine? Is your favorite baseball cap a little looser than it used to be? If you touch your earlobe with your thumb, does your pinky finger reach the outside edge of your opposite eye? If so, you might be experiencing the beginnings of a dangerous malady—Peabody’s Diminution.

Stop for a minute and think of all the radiation flying around the world today. These days, radios are in everything: cell phones, GPS units, microwave ovens . . . even clock-radios. And there’s ample evidence that radio waves are the evil guiding force behind a slow-acting malady that’s taking the globe by (silent) storm.

The first sufferer was a Mr. Whittaker Peabody, an early test subject of Thomas Edison’s. When radio waves were first discovered, Edison (known for a bit of cruelty in his experiments) picked one man to test the effects of the waves on. After several years of direct exposure to the skull, Mr. Peabody’s head began to shrink. He reported crippling migraines and excruciating pain. He soon left Edison’s employ, but the effects continued until his head was about the size of his fist.

All photos and records of the tests have been suppressed by the government, doubtless part of some mind control scheme. The above is probably the only one in existence and has held its terrible secret all these years. We only learned of it through the gracious cooperation of the Peabody estate, although they will certainly face repercussions for allowing us to publish the story and the photo.

Well, it's nice to know that Edison was such a caring and thoughtful person when it came to research. Too bad he failed to mention to Mr. Peabody that the side effects might be tough to live with! Of course the government won't release any further information! It's for our protection, don't ya know?

Coffee out on the patio again! Lemon cake all around!


  1. 'Ya got me on that one, Mr. Hermit! Just for that, I'll have two slices of your lemon cake!

  2. had to look twice at the date. thought it was a misplaced april fool article.
    thomas edison was disgusting. read that the mvie makers all moved to the pacific coast because edison's hired goons beat anyone making or showing films other than his company. wanted a monopoly on the film business.
    d j h

  3. had to look twice at the date. thought it was a misplaced april fool article.
    thomas edison was disgusting. read that the mvie makers all moved to the pacific coast because edison's hired goons beat anyone making or showing films other than his company. wanted a monopoly on the film business.
    d j h

  4. Wow...seems I say that a lot when I visit you lol.....Guess i'll have some cake and ponder this :))

  5. :-) :-) :-) Can't but love this article :-)

    Have a great day!

  6. Shrunk his skull to the size of a fist?

  7. Nasty business there. I guess the guy didn't quit fast enough. Did't know Edison had such sick side to him. New lesson learned here once again. Thank You!

    Ready for a refill please.

  8. Hey Jim! Wow I just read an article about the adverse affects of cell phones such as cancer of the brain,impotence in men who carry phones in their pockets etc. Also those who live close to cell towers and high tension electric towers even those damn smart meters they have forced on us cause problems. I wonder if the trade off for all this technology is worth it? Take care Bro! I hope I will now be checking in more,I missed all your great Post!

  9. Hey Phyllis...
    Two slices it is!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Debora...
    Guess the folks in Hollywood owe Edison a big "thank you!" I had read an article talking about the same thing.

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Glad I can make your day a tad more interesting!

    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Christer...
    I'm sure glad that you liked the post!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Pretty wild, even for Edison! He was NOT a nice man, from what I understand!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Edison certainly had a dark side to him.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  10. Hey China...
    I sure am pleased to see you again! Been too long, buddy!

    Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by today!

  11. When I first saw the picture that you posted, I thought the man's body had swelled up, but then I read you post. Sure didn't know that. You gave me something to wonder about.

  12. I better measure my head, since I am an amateur radio operator, I get more exposure to RF than most people and I also have handhelds that put the antenna close to my head. Yep, I also have cell phone.

  13. And another thing, it reminds me of the guy in the waiting room in the movie Beetlejuice.

  14. I was skeptical but did not look at the
