Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Strange Tuesday Trip From Taured...!

Here is a case of a traveler that no one could classify! Gotta feel sorry for the PTB...almost!

If this were to happen in the states, you can bet there would be all kinds of investigations and the like going on. Folks under lock and key with guards outside the door are NOT supposed to disappear! Doesn't fair well for the people in charge, I would imagine!

The Man From Taured

On a seemingly normal day in 1954, a seemingly normal man allegedly flew into Tokyo, but upon landing at the Tokyo International Airport, his seemingly normal trip had taken a very drastic turn for the weird. When he handed over his passport to be stamped, the man was immediately interrogated as to the whereabouts of his origins. It wasn’t a case of racial profiling: While his passport looked authentic, it listed a country no one had ever heard of called Taured.

The mystery man claimed his country was located between France and Spain, but when he was asked to point it out on a map, he pointed to the Principality of Andorra. Insisting he had never heard of Andorra and that Taured had existed for 1,000 years, he claimed that he was in Japan on business, something he had been doing for the past five years. His passport seemed to back up his story, as it was covered in previous customs and visa stamps, and he carried with him legal currency from several European countries. He even had a driver’s license issued by the mysterious country and a checkbook containing checks from an unknown bank.

After more interrogation and confusion for both parties, the traveler was sent to a nearby hotel until an official decision could be reached. There, two immigration officials stood outside the hotel door until morning. It was then that they discovered the mystery man had vanished without a trace, which was troubling, since the only possible exit was a window with no ledge 15 stories above a busy street. The Tokyo police department conducted an extensive search but continually came up empty-handed. Hopefully, if he really was from a parallel Earth, he was able to find a way back to the comforts of his home in Taured.

This one could have been saved for the Monday Mysteries, but I wanted to liven up your day. I wonder what the folks at the Tokyo Immigration Service finally decided to call this incident? Bet it was an embarrassment for them to admit to losing a traveler.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.OK?


  1. Just had to look that one up! Pages and pages about the incident. Maybe just an 'urban legend'? I'll bring jelly donuts for all and we can discuss this mystery over your great coffee!

  2. I go with the parallel universe theory. Sure hope he found his way back home. The Japanese really "lost face" over that one. This is going to make for a wonderful discussion over coffee this morning. Save me a seat.

  3. Bubba -
    This is a really good one! Never heard of it, and looking forward to hearing more! The first part of the story is pretty creepy by itself, but then he disappears? Woo-hoo! Even better!
    See you this afternoon, should be an interesting day....
    Bigger hugs than usual - we'll both need them...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And we humans are so vain that we think we know and understand everything. That is so far from the truth just like this story points out. You always come through with a great blog posting. Thanks for jump starting my day

  6. Wow....that one is a realhead scratcher! Save me a seat n a donut :))

  7. Glad you didn't wait to share this one. This is a good one to share on the patio.
