Sunday, May 11, 2014

Cartoons From The Early Days...!

Let's do something a bit different today, OK with you?

Today's 'toons will be from the early 40's. Mostly in black and white, but in the old days nearly everything was! Doesn't make them any less enjoyable, ya know?

See? Even the rural folks were preparing for the worse. Gotta be a lesson in there somewhere!

Tired of the 'toons related to war activities? Then here's one for ya! It's earlier than the others!

Maybe just one more? OK!

Well, maybe they weren't as funny as today's are, but it was a long time ago! Gotta give them credit for trying, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning! Cookies to go with the coffee sound alright? Oh, Happy Mothers' Day!


  1. All good ones, Mr. Hermit. 'Ya did good! Harpy Mother's Day wishes and a hug being sent to your Mom!

  2. WOW Some of those were from before my even so they are new to me.

    Wishing all the moms who stop here and your mom a Very Happy New Year.

    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful.

  3. Love Sunday toons. Wishing your Mama and all the Mama's in the HJ coffee club a great Mother's Day :)) and thank you for having us over :))

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Same back at ya, my friend! Hope you have a good one!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JO...
    I'm thinking you meant Happy Mothers Day and NOT Happy New Year!

    Either way I appreciate it! Also I thank you for coming over today, sweetie!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Yeah, 'toons are always good for a grin or two.

    Hope you have a great Mother's Day as well! Thanks for coming over today!
