Friday, June 27, 2014

Another Freaky Friday...!

The post for today should fit right in with the "freaky Friday" theme, I think.

As I was doing the research for this morning, one thing that struck me is that we have a LOT of scary folks out there. Certainly more than I wanted to know about! Who knows...they could be your neighbors. Or mine!

Corpse Brides

1- corpse bride

In China, it’s never too late to find love—even after death. While few and far between, ghost weddings are an old tradition for those who died single. It’s believed that they’re a way to appease the spirits; in other words, they think the ghosts will be too busy honeymooning to haunt anyone.

The way it works is the families of two recently deceased singles agree to bury the dead together, partnering them in holy, postmortem matrimony. In a recent case, however, brides were being stolen from their graves and their families had no idea. A ring of grave robbers was arrested for selling corpses to families as “ghosts wives” for their deceased sons, regardless of whether or not the ladies were even single at the time of their deaths.

The women’s bodies were dug up, cleaned, and sold with falsified medical records for the price of $38,000. The ring got away with selling 10 of these corpses illegally before being caught and sentenced to 28 to 32 months in prison.

Now, I don't know about you, but this seems to me this is a lot of trouble just to avoid being haunted. As for me...I've been married and I'll take the haunting! OK?

Once again, I think we'll have coffee inside due to the rain.


  1. Another good reason to be cremated!

    I'll bring cinnamon rolls.

  2. It seems we can't leave the dead alone in peace.

    Too foggy for coffee on the deck this morning.

  3. Can't think of a pithy comment, so I'll just enjoy one of Judy's cinnamon rolls and all the good company!

  4. I wanted to say something clever or funny but words escape me. How Goulish. Nice morning around here agin so coffee on the patio for me. Have a greg weekend.

  5. I have to wonder about a place where there is a market for already buried dead bodies.... but for all I know that might be here too.

  6. It's amazes me how in this day and age people still believe in these weird things. Yes Linda Goulish is the only thing to be said.

    I'll be happy to sit anywhere this morning as long as it's with friends.

  7. Hey Judy...
    It's always a pleasure to see you, my friend!

    Hey, thanks for the cinnamon rolls and for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    It does seem like that, doesn't it?

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Judy does a mean cinnamon roll, let me tell ya!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Hard to know what to say about this. Actually it's hard to believe!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    It's disturbing to say the least. I wonder if they advertise?

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. I have heard of some very cold women, some even frigid. But this one is really way too cold for me (grin).

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    I think you're right about the "cold women" thing. Creepy as well!

    Thanks for coming over today!
