Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Happened To General Santa Anna...?

The Mexican general that led his troops against the Alamo is surely remembered by many, but do you ever wonder what eventually happened to him?

Over at, I found out a little more of the later years of the infamous general, and I wanted to share it with you.

Jun 22, 1876:
General Santa Anna dies in Mexico City

Embittered and impoverished, the once mighty Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna dies in Mexico City.

Born in 1792 at Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Santa Anna was the son of middle-class parents. As a teen, he won a commission in the Spanish army and might have been expected to live out an unspectacular career as a middle-level army officer. However, the young Santa Anna quickly distinguished himself as a capable fighter and leader, and after 1821, he gained national prominence in the successful Mexican war for independence from Spain. In 1833, he won election to the presidency of the independent republic of Mexico by an overwhelming popular majority. His dedication to the ideal of a democratic role proved weak, though, and he proclaimed himself dictator in 1835.

Santa Anna's assumption of dictatorial power over Mexico brought him into direct conflict with a growing movement for independence in the Mexican state of Texas. During the 1820s and 1830s, large numbers of Euro-Americans had settled in the area of Texas, and many of them remained more loyal to the United States than to their distant rulers in Mexico City. Some viewed Santa Anna's overthrow of the Mexican Republic as an opportunity to break away and form an independent Republic of Texas that might one day become an American state.

Determined to crush the Texas rebels, Santa Anna took command of the Mexican army that invaded Texas in 1836. His forces successfully defeated the Texas rebels at the Alamo, and he personally ordered the execution of 400 Texan prisoners after the Battle of Goliad. However, these two victories planted the seeds for Santa Anna's defeat. "Remember the Alamo" and "Remember Goliad" became the rallying cries for a reinvigorated Texan army. Lulled into overconfidence by his initial easy victories, Santa Anna was taken by surprise at San Jacinto, and his army was annihilated on April 21, 1836. The captured Santa Anna, fearing execution, willingly signed an order calling for all Mexican troops to withdraw. Texas became an independent republic.

Deposed during his captivity with the Texan rebels, Santa Anna returned to Mexico a powerless man. During the next two decades, however, the highly unstable political situation in Mexico provided him with several opportunities to regain-and again lose-his dictatorial power. All told, he became the head of the Mexican government 11 times. Overthrown for the last time in 1855, he spent the remaining two decades of his life scheming with elements in Mexico, the United States, and France to stage a comeback.

Although he was clearly a brilliant political opportunist, Santa Anna was ultimately loyal only to himself and he had an insatiable lust for power. While Santa Anna played an important role in achieving Mexican independence, his subsequent governments were also at least partially responsible for the loss of the Southwest to the United States. He died in poverty and squalor in Mexico City at the age of 82, no doubt still dreaming of a return to power.

I guess like most politicians, he just didn't want to give up the power and didn't know when to call it quits. We still have some of that going on in politics today, know what I mean?

How about coffee out on the patio again this morning? Sound good?


  1. The lust for power is the downfall of many men I think...patio sounds good..i'll be rights there :))

  2. Power is the strongest drug.

    Coffee by the woodstove this morning. In the 40s.

  3. Bubba -
    I did not know he had regained and relost power like that. Once he left Texas, he was best forgotten by us, I reckon. But interesting bit of histroy, anyway - thanks.
    Big hugs ~

  4. Oh, the mighty! How they do fall. The lust for power only leads to destruction. Patio sounds good to me, raining here today.

  5. Sometimes I wonder about the wording, he "invaded" the Mexican state of Texas? That would be like the the federal government "invading" Iowa.

    In & out of power 11 times & spent the next 20 years trying to regain it? It sounds like he was all over the world trying to regain power.
    I wonder how he lived... made a living?
    'Power' sounds like a powerful drug when it gets ahold of you...

  6. He certainly got the WIND taken out of him... Which I think is a funny comment because I live close to California and they have the famous Santa Anna winds.

  7. It seems the greed that brought him down has taken a lot of politicians and would be rulers down.

  8. Hey Mamahen...
    We have all heard that old saying that power corrupts and I reckon it's true.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    By the stove sounds like the right place to be, in that case!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sis...
    I never really cared what happened to him until I found the article.

    Power hungry until the end, I guess.

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Linda M...
    They seem to fall hard when it happens. Good!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Guess the secret is to stash as much of the country's wealth as you can while you are in power to tide you over.

    Of course, if he had the backing of some foreign governments, that probably helped the spending money!

    Sounds like he met a proper ending, though.

    Thanks for the company today!

    Hey Buddesheperd...
    Have to give him credit for never giving up.

    I appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Let's hope that always does that very thing!

    Thanks for coming by today!
