Monday, July 28, 2014

A "Gas" For Monday Mystery...!

Here is a little mystery from way back in the 1930s that has never been solved, at least that I know of!

I have to admit the mysteries like this are the ones I think should be studied more...just because! Besides, it would be nice to find out the reason behind all this action, ya know?

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon was the name given to the person or persons believed to be behind a series of apparent gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, during the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, during the mid-1940s. The first reported gasser incident occurred at the home of Cal Huffman, in Haymakertown, Botetourt County, where there were three reported attacks over the course of a single night.

At about 10:00 pm on December 22, 1933, Mrs. Huffman reported smelling an unusual odor, and was overcome by a feeling of nausea. The odor and the nausea returned again at about 10:30pm, at which time Cal Huffman contacted the police. A third attack occurred around 1:00 a.m., this time affecting the entire house; in total, eight members of the Huffman family were affected by the gas, along with Ashby Henderson, a guest staying at the house.

The next recorded incident occurred in Cloverdale on December 24. Clarence Hall, his wife, and their two children returned from a church service at about 9:00 p.m. They detected a strong, sweet odor and immediately began to feel weak and nauseated. Police investigating the case discovered that a nail had been pulled from a rear window, near where the gas appeared to be the most concentrated, and presumed that the nail hole had been used to inject it into the house. A third incident occurred on December 27, in which Troutville resident A. Kelly and his mother reported similar signs and symptoms to the Huffman and Hall cases. A fourth and fifth incident occurred on January 10, when Mrs. Moore, a guest in home of Haymakertown resident Homer Hylton, reported hearing voices outside before gas was injected into the room through a damaged window. The second attack that night was reported in Troutville, at the home of G. Kinzie.

At least 10 other cases were reported in Botetourt, and 10 years later, over 20 new cases were reported in Mattoon. One witness claimed to have seen the gasser and described “him” as a tall thin woman dressed as a man and footprints belonging to a woman were discovered at some of the scenes.

There is something about these older mysteries that just seem to call out to be answered. But then, that's why they are called mysteries, I reckon!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have some macaroons I'll share!


  1. Strange stuff! I wouldn't have a clue how ir why this would happen..Macaroons sound good.....storms here all night .....a sunny patio sounds good also :))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    Strange but true! This is the kind of thing that becomes Urban Legends, I reckon!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. I've actually heard about this before, I think it was one of those mystery shows they send sometimes. I do wonder whay they did this and what the purpous was? I mean no one died or got injured and from what I know nothing was stolen either. A good mystery!

    Have a great day!

  4. Lots of strange people walking around - even today! Running a bit late, but save me some of those macaroons!

  5. There are some things we will never know the answers to. Weird indeed.

    Waiting for the coffee and thunderstorms. Don not know which will be here first.

  6. Maybe those "victims" made up the story to cover the fact that they had eaten too many beans. . . (grin)

  7. Good story. Always enjoy them.

  8. Good mystery for today. You wonder what makes people so such things. Maybe she was a mad scientist.

    We had great storms roll threw late evening into the very early hours.

  9. Hey Christer...
    It does make you wonder, that's for sure!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Don't worry, I'll save ya some.

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I reckon some things are meant to stay a mystery.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sort of a self induced gas attack? Guess it could happen.

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey John...
    I'm glad you enjoyed them!

    I appreciate the visit this morning.

    Hey Jo...
    Glad you got a bit of rain. Certainly cools things off!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by this morning!
