Friday, July 18, 2014

No Freaky Friday Post Today...!

Sorry, but I have to take Mom across town this morning. That means I won't have a post.

I shopuld have said something sooner, but I ran out of time. You know how that is, right? Anyway, I'll make up for it at a later date, I promise!

Help yourself to the coffee. You all know where the pot is, right?


  1. Love to your mom and thanks for the invite to help ourselves :))

  2. We'll have a fresh pot of coffee and donuts ready for 'ya when you get back!

  3. We'll be here waiting for you when you get back. Have a great weekend.

  4. No problem. Have a good day with mom and you know we are always waiting for your return.

  5. Running out of time for a blog post means you were either busy or sleeping in, either one is good!

  6. You and your mom have the best day that you can!

    I just tried a new black forest cake recipe. It's pretty good. I'll bring it in case anyone wants chocolate with their coffee.
