Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Birth Of CSI Investigating...!

Sometimes we overlook the people that did more for modern day crime solving than ever before.

Just imagine how much more difficult things would be without finger prints, ballistics, and the like. If you want to know who to thank, try the man that started it all!

The Forgotten Creator Of Crime Scene Forensic Science
By Debra Kelly on Wednesday, July 23, 2014

In the late 19th century, Alexandre Lacassagne was rewriting the way law enforcement looked at crimes and crime scenes. He ushered in a new era of weapon identification and analytical sciences and should be known as the father of modern forensics, but his name has largely been swallowed by unforgiving, cramped history books. A real-life Sherlock Holmes, Lacassagne constructed the first forensics lab and taught countless students how to recreate a crime from the evidence left behind.

For centuries, solving crimes was something of a hit-or-miss field. There was no such thing as forensics, no way to take and compare fingerprints, and no way of analyzing crime scenes or piecing together the events that led up to the crime.

Until, that is, one 19th-century professor teaching at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Lyon decided that his students needed some hands-on experience more than they needed a refresher course on the way things had always been done. Suddenly, for the first time, students weren’t sitting in lectures but they were performing dozens of autopsies every year.

Alexandre Lacassagne single-handedly revolutionized forensic science. He trained his students to look for the pieces that told the story of a person’s murder, from bruises on the body to checking the internal organs of a victim for signs of drowning. He taught them how to use chemical reactions to look for trace evidence, and how to tell the difference between dried blood and rust. He showed them how to examine the insects that were present on a dead body to determine just how long the person had been dead.

Since there was no place suitable for the type of exams and work that he had in mind, Lacassagne created his own laboratory—complete with state-of-the-art equipment, most of which had never been regularly used for police work.

He also constructed a macabre museum of sorts, where students could look at and learn about the human body under different types of conditions. He had skulls that were fractured and broken by different instruments, sketches and plaster casts of crime scene body parts, stillborn babies of different ages, displays of weapons both standard and makeshift. He had vials of poisons and bodily fluids, and even different types of ropes to show students how the rope itself would match the wounds it left behind.

He also developed the idea of ballistics. He’s noted for providing evidence in several cases in which he successfully proved a particular gun was a murder weapon by firing bullets into cadavers then comparing those bullets with ones that were pulled from a murder victim.

Lacassagne even cataloged thousands of different tattoos that were common among the underworld’s unsavory characters. While serving in the military, he became fascinated by the idea of tattoos providing a very visible look into a person’s most innermost feelings. Then he began recording.

If there were any who doubted these newly developed methods, those doubts were erased with Lacassagne’s persecution of a man known as the French Jack the Ripper. Joseph Vacher was a spree killer who raped and murdered his way across the French countryside in 1894 before finally being arrested. Clearly crazy, it was an insanity defense that was making it look likely that he wouldn’t be beheaded for his crimes, but instead committed to life in an asylum.

Lacassagne was, however, able to recreate the heinous acts that Vacher had committed, leaving no doubts that he knew exactly what he was doing. He showed no remorse, was known for torturing and killing small animals, and had all the hallmarks of what we would now call a psychopath. Vacher was deemed culpable and was executed in 1898.

Just think, if it were not for this man and the others that followed in his footsteps, a lot more bad guys would get away with murder...literally!

Coffee in the kitchen again. Heavy rains overnight made the patio a swimming pool!


  1. And now we take all that forensics for granted. Rain and thunderstorms all around us last night - not a drop here. I'll bring blueberry muffins for all!

  2. I love modern forensics. It is a field I should have gone into. Now I'm too old and senile. Between modern forensics and DNA we are lucky we can get the bad guys off the streets. Nice day around here; rain not moving in until the weekend.

  3. Sure beats rounding up the usual suspects.

    Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Too wet from yesterday's thunderstorms. Pancakes with fresh maple syrup.

  4. I guess we can thank him for the popularity of all the CSI shows on TV.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Yep, we do take it all for granted, I'm afraid!

    Blueberry muffins sounds great!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Like they say...hindsight is always 20/20.

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I can certainly believe that!

    Fresh maple syrup sure sounds good!

    Thanks for coming by this morning.

    Hey Dizzy...
    That's a very distinct possibility!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. That was interesting! I always learn so much from your posts.
