Saturday, August 2, 2014

An Early James Bond For Saturday...!

We often think of James Bond as being a modern invention. Not so...not so!

This man was probably the first James Bond around, while he was alive. In fact, he may have spawned the whole idea of the James Bond characters. And he was born a long, long time ago, my friends!

The Real-Life James Bond Was Born In 1527

By Larry Jimenez on Sunday, March 23, 2014

John Dee was a 16th-century philosopher, scientist, and occultist who served in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. Dee was involved in numerous espionage missions for the Queen, and he would sign his reports and correspondence with the cipher “007.” This makes Dee the predecessor of Ian Fleming’s suave super-spy James Bond.

In his time, John Dee (1527–1608) was considered a magician, a genius whose interests ranged from mathematics to cartography to calculus. He also delved into the occult arts of alchemy, astrology, and the Kabbalah. His philosophy drew from both Hermetic tradition and science. Dee’s knowledge of geography made him a valuable adviser to famed explorers Raleigh, Gilbert, and Frobisher. At a time when the Copernican theory was controversial, Dee supported the idea of a heliocentric solar system. Dee amassed a private library of thousands of volumes dedicated to philosophy, science, and esoterica. By comparison, the library of the University of Cambridge had a measly 451 books and manuscripts at the time.

It was the Earl of Leicester who introduced Dee to Princess Elizabeth shortly before her accession to the throne. Dee was rapidly promoted to court astrologer. He was the one who chose the most favorable date for Elizabeth’s coronation, January 15, 1559. The Queen was so impressed with Dee’s learning that she personally visited his great library. Dee began conducting covert assignments in her Majesty’s secret service and 007 was the insignia Dee used for his private “For Your Eyes Only” communiques. The double zeroes symbolized Dee’s eyes—he was the secret eyes of the Queen. The seven is a sacred Kabbalistic and lucky number. Dee frequently traveled to European capitals gathering intelligence and sending it back to Sir Francis Walsingham, head of the secret service.

When the Spanish Armada loomed threateningly across the Channel, it was Dee who counseled not to engage it directly. He had foreseen the fierce storms that would devastate the mighty fleet, and told the English to stay back. The tempests drove the Spaniards to their doom, just as Dee had predicted, and some speculated that it was Dee himself who raised the storm.

Sadly, John Dee’s status as a mathematician and true man of science was overshadowed by his reputation as an occultist, and in particular his relationship with a charlatan named Edward Kelly. Kelly claimed to be a “scryer” or medium, and he and Dee allegedly had numerous conversations with extraterrestrial intelligences. They even came up with a new language called Enochian that was supposedly dictated to Kelly in a trance. The Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II welcomed them to his court in Prague with the understanding that, as alchemists, they could produce gold from base metals.
In his final years, John Dee moved in the circle of talented Elizabethan writers, scientists, and philosophers. He may have been acquainted with playwright Christopher Marlowe, and may have been the inspiration for Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus. It is also likely that Dee was the model for the sorcerer Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Unlike his fictional successor James Bond, Dee never killed anyone. And unlike Bond who only had one short-lived marriage, Dee was married thrice and sired about 11 children. At his death, Dee left behind many scholarly works and unpublished manuscripts, testifying to a genius that was far ahead of its time in many ways.

 It's nice to know that 007 has been in use for many, many years and that James Bond lives on, even in history!

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. That was a good one, Mr. Hermit and very interesting! Wonder what happened to all his books. I'll bring jelly donuts.

  2. Interesting! Who would have thought there really was someone with such a history known as 007... I'll see everyone on the patio and save me a donut please :))

  3. Good one, Mr. Hermit. I am a James Bond fan, but never heard about this character before. See you all on the patio.

  4. Something else I learned here. Never heard of this man before. Thank you once again.

    Nice cool morning again low humidity for now anyway. Pass the pot please

  5. That's pretty cool. Very interesting.

  6. Well now I know. Good one Hermit. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  7. When will they make a movie about him?

  8. I was amused at his inclusion of erotica with the more scholarly books. Maybe those books drove his numbers higher than the University of Cambridge. Good story.
