Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cartoons For Sunday Again...!

Guess we all need a taste of 'toons every once and a while. Sure can't hurt!

Amazing how long some of these things have been around!

Hey, I guess it made sense at the time. What do I know?

Well, that's enough for today. Time to do something positive, like reading a book!

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Good ones again, Mr. Hermit! Warmed up a bit this morning - yesterday was in the high 40's, now it's 57.

  2. Having trouble staying connected this morning Verizon can't handle big storms. Nice and wet here this morning.
    Good Toons this morning. Coffee on your patio but be dryer than my porch. Pass the pot please.

  3. Thank you for the toons n smiles :))
