Monday, August 25, 2014

Miraculous Monday Mystery...!

Sometimes you just have to wonder if a certain event was seen over by some higher power, know what I mean?

Here is a case that shows exactly what I mean. I found this over at Listverse and it is a good example of what I'm talking about.

The Miraculous Survival Of The West End Baptist Church Choir

On the evening of March 1, 1950, the West End Baptist Church in the small town of Beatrice, Nebraska was completely destroyed after an explosion. The explosion itself, caused by a natural gas leak, wasn’t a mystery, but the unlikely chain of events that saved the lives of the 15 people who should have been present is nothing short of a miracle.

The church’s choir was scheduled to meet for practice at 7:20 PM on the night of the explosion. The devoted singers were known for their punctuality, but somehow, all 15 members of the choir were late that night. As a result, none of them had yet arrived at the church when it exploded at 7:27.

The choir director and her daughter, the church pianist, had planned to show up 30 minutes early that night. However, the daughter fell asleep, causing both of them to arrive late. The church pastor and his wife wound up running late after their daughter spilled food on her dress. Two choir members didn’t arrive on time because their cars wouldn’t start. Other members were held up by seemingly mundane tasks such as writing a letter, listening to a radio show, and finishing homework. One even ended up running late despite living directly across the street from the church. In the end, every single member of the choir was spared from a potentially tragic event in what was either one of the most astonishing coincidences of all time or an act of divine intervention.

Now you can think what you want about this event, but in my opinion if there were ever a case to be made of some divine intervention, this would qualify.

Coffee out on the patio again. I have a plate of vanilla sugar wafers I'll share!


  1. Being early isn't always a virtue, is it?

    Let's hear it for the life saving value of sloth. :)

  2. Wow! Now that is miraculous! Better have two plates of those vanilla sugar wafers handy!

  3. That was surely Divine Intervention. Too weird to be coincidental. Vanilla sugar cookies sound good this morning.

  4. Yes, all the choir's singers were being guided by a higher power. God works in mysterious ways. I bet all those "late comers" were complaining about all the things that were making them late.

  5. Yes there is a higher power and he was surely working that night.

    I'm ready for some patio time. The humidity is rising again but temps dropping briefly more rain on the way.

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    It would certainly seem so! Guess sometimes sloth can be your friend!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'd say a guardian angle was watching over all that day!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda M...
    It would certainly seem that way to me!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    You're probably right about that! Bet they were slow to complain the next time, though.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    No doubt about that!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  7. God is good all the question in my mind!!! Too hot for the patio now???
