Monday, October 6, 2014

Bones For Monday Mystery...!

Probably very few things are as spooky or disturbing as finding some human bones.

That being the case, just imagine finding thousands of human remains all together in a hidden room. Now that would be more than a little spooky to me! Straight from the pages of Listverse, here is a story of just such a find!

The Rothwell Bone Crypt

 Built during the 13th century, Holy Trinity Church is a medieval landmark in the town of Rothwell, England. However, beneath the church is a charnel chapel containing one of the creepiest sights ever found inside a place of worship: an entire room stacked with human bones.

Known as the “Bone Crypt,” the room is filled with the unidentified skeletal remains of approximately 1,500 individuals. At one point, the room was sealed up, but legend has it that in 1700, a gravedigger working inside the church accidentally fell through the floor. The discovery of the hidden room allegedly drove him insane. The bones were eventually separated and organized onto shelves, and the Bone Crypt has since become a popular tourist attraction in the area.

Intriguingly, no one knows the origin of these bones. One prevalent theory is that the remains belong to victims of a plague. Another claims that they were soldiers who were killed during the nearby Battle of Naseby in 1645. It’s also possible that many of the individuals were originally buried in the church graveyard but had to be moved to a new location. Sometime during the 16th century, the adjacent Jesus Hospital was built over a burial ground, so the remains might have been dug up and stored in the chapel.

Scientists hope to use carbon dating to eventually determine the possible identities of these deceased individuals. Until then, the Bone Crypt remains one of England’s most bizarre unsolved mysteries. Now I don't know about you, but I am glad I wasn't the one that found this place. I really wonder what kind of tourist would pay good money just to go and visit this site, although I sure that some folks just have a much different view of what a good tourist attraction might be. As far as me thank you!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. How about some donut holes?


  1. I used to listen to a radio show "The Story" on public radio, one of the stories was about "The Bone" room.
    This was in France & when no one was left who remembered the dead (there was a small yearly fee for the gave site)the bones were dug up & put in a room.
    The burial plot could then be used again...

  2. Those bones would be a sad sight to me, humans just tossed like trash.

  3. Don't think I'd want to put that on my sight-seeing agenda! Coffee and donuts are perfect for this chilly morning!

  4. That would creep me out seeing a room full of bones. Don't think I would pay to see that either. Coffee and donuts sound good this morning.

  5. I'm with the rest...not a place I would pay to see, but I think we all agree the coffee n donuts are a winner this morning :))

  6. I told you the other day England had some really strange ideas. I don't think I find that a great place to visit that is sick. But then again that's just me.

    I'll take a refill please. Looks like another storm headed our way from the left over hurricane. Better get my running errands done today

  7. Hey Rob...
    Reusing burial plots is an age old practice , but putting bones in a room is a bit strange , I think. I haven't heard of the site in France.

    Thanks for coming by this morning.

    Hey Linda...
    Makes you wonder what their original plan or reason was, doesn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'd be staying away as well. Not a place I want to visit.

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Like you, I wouldn't pay to see it. Creepy is a good word for it.

    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Guess we can all agree to turn the tour bus in another direction, right?

    Thanks for joining us this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    I couldn't agree with you more. Let's stick to the happy places.

    Watch out for the storm and thanks for coming over today!

  8. It's not the dead that creep me out, it's some of the living.

    Frosty view of the lake with my morning coffee.

  9. Falling through the floor into a room full of skeletons would make anyone sit up and notice. Don't think it would drive me crazy but if it did, it wouldn't be a long trip (grim). I wonder how long he was stuck there?
