Monday, November 3, 2014

A Tale Of Ravens For Monday Mysteries...!

So many legends and myths we've heard over time include ravens and crows, we have to wonder why.

Whatever it is about these birds that sparks our imagination has been around for a very very long time. Maybe the Ancients knew something that we don't, ya reckon? Well, here is yet another story to ponder.

St. Vincent’s Ravens

Ravens are often connected with holy figures as well as the demonic. St. Vincent has a raven as one of his symbols in addition to the cross and fire. Like many Catholic saints, St. Vincent’s end was a bloody one. He served under the Bishop of Saragossa in Spain, and when the Roman Emperor Diocletian brought his condemnation of the Christians to Spain, it was Vincent who acted as the spokesperson for the bishop and for the Church. After he was imprisoned, tortured, and then imprisoned again, his faith began encouraging others around him to convert to Christianity—quite the opposite of what the Romans intended.

Not surprisingly, the emperor was less than thrilled about this. He put the still-living Vincent on display as a warning, which also failed. Vincent died while still in prison on January 22, 304, and his body was thrown into a bog where it was meant to be food for scavengers. A raven landed near the body, though, and chased away any animal that got too close. The body was then thrown into the ocean, but washed up several days later, at which point it was recovered by his followers and given a proper burial. Later, in 1173, St. Vincent’s bones were taken to Lisbon after the city declared him its patron saint. It was said that a group of ravens escorted his bones to Lisbon Cathedral, and for nearly 800 years, the descendents of those ravens lived at the cathedral. Unfortunately, the last of St. Vincent’s ravens died in 1978.

So, can you remember any stories or urban legends from around your area that inclde ravens or crows? If so, share them with us. I'm always in the mood for a good mystery story, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Chilly but it's dry, OK?


  1. Don't know of any stories about NJ crows Mr. Hermit, but we have a lot of them here and I do enjoy watching them. They are good look-outs and always let me know when the chicken hawks are around! Still windy here, I'll bring the Dunkins.

  2. I don't have any stories about ravens or crows here in WI. Wait, yes I do. My husbands step-brother had a pet crow that used to go everywhere with him. The crow would sit on his shoulder and never really fly away. The crow was raised from a baby on and died of old age. Guess they can be loyal creatures.

  3. Ravens and crows seem to be the smartest members of the bird family. It is uncanny what they are able to do.

  4. No mystery stories here but they are amusing to watch.

    Low this morning 41 feels good but not for sitting out doors. Maybe it's warmer at your place so l will join in.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    They can really put on a show when they want.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    I've known several folks that had crows as pets, and they were always showing them off.

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    They do seem to be very trainable, that's for sure.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    It's 73 degrees as we speak here in Houston. Looks like we had our two days of Fall and Winter weather!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  6. I like ravens. They are common around my place and usually greet me when I am outside. If I hear them cawing I answer them with caws myself, and they will answer me. Sometimes we have quite a conversation. :)

    Ravens mean something to the local Indians here. Might have something to do with their religious beliefs, but I don't know what it is. I do know that anyone who kills a raven is in big trouble with the Indians.
