Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ready For Sunday 'Toons...?

Silly question, isn't it? After all, we do the same ol' thing Sunday after Sunday. You're here, which means you know what's coming, right?

One of these days I'm gonna surprise ya and do something different. Today just isn't one of those days, though.

And just one little bit more...

OK, enough of the fun stuff. Time to go and do something grown-up, I reckon. Maybe read the funny papers!

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Heh-Heh! Some tidbits of good info on the pop ups on the last one, Mr. Hermit! Thanks!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    Nothing like having a 'toon give you free information, right?

    Hey, thanks for dropping in today!

  3. Sorry haven't been around much....ty for the toons :))
