Friday, November 14, 2014

Spider Story For Freaky Friday...!

Probably nothing else gives folks the shudders more than spiders. They are not real popular with the majority of the people I know!

I found a spider story (true, of course) over at Listverse that sent shivers down my spine, for sure. Read it and you'll understand why!

Spiders In The Sky

Earlier this year, citizens of Santo Antonio da Platina, Brazil woke to find the sky full of spiders. They covered telephone poles and scurried from wire to wire, forcing all rational people to run for cover. These tiny terrors were members of the species Anelosimus eximus, a rare kind of social spider which congregates in groups up to 50,000 strong, which is too many spiders for any one place. Unfortunately, spider swarms aren’t limited to just one country.

In early 2012, Wagga Wagga, Australia was also the site of a spider invasion. When flooding forced 8,000 people from their homes, it also drove millions of wolf spiders into trees and fields surrounding the town, where they covered everything in sight with spider silk. However, these guys don’t technically spin webs. They’re ballooning—tossing a thread of silk into the air and catching a ride on the breeze. The wind carries them away from the water and towards civilization, much to the dread of Australian arachnophobes.

Now, in case the story alone wasn't enough to give you the can watch a video of spiders in the sky right here!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's cold and the spiders might be flying!


  1. And to cap it off; I read the other day that the average person, over his lifetime, swallows five spiders while sleeping. Hmmmmm!

  2. I have members of my family that wouldn't leave the house under those conditions :)

  3. Glad coffee is in the kitchen today - don't want any of those critters taking a swim in it!

  4. My hubby would be "freaking out" Most spiders don't bother me. What I don't like is walking into a web; that creeps me out. Definitely coffee inside it's 19 degrees outside Have a great weekend.

  5. Bubba -
    Those Wolf spiders are extremenly venomous and the bites are very painful! Glad I wasn't either of those places when this happened!
    I tend to leave spiders alone if I see them, 'cause I don't know how to ID too many of them. Maybe if I don't bother them, then they won't...
    Big hugs -
    Baby Sis

  6. Spiders are ugly and we have enough ugly ones here never mind those kind. Been lots of spiders this past summer.

    I hear your really having quite a cold spell down your way. Lots of coffee will be needed.

  7. Some spiders are industrious and build intricate webs, others just hide in holes or corners waiting for their prey to come close. Others go hunting. The are interesting creatures.

  8. I get a type of wolf spider in my house. They get pretty big, but at least I'm dealing with them one at a time.

  9. Hey Wade...
    Now that is a scary thought! Guess I better sleep with my mouth shut!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I can certainly understand that! I'd be hard pressed to venture out myself.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Now that would be a crime, for sure! I don't want to see them in there either!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Linda M...
    Walking into a web with my face is very spooky to me as well.

    It's the little guys I don't like, 'cause you can hardly see 'em!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Even if they can't hurt me, they can cause me to hurt myself. That's bad enough.

    Hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I've never seen a pretty spider. Ugly may be an understatement!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    They do make some awesome webs at times. Gotta watch out for the sneaky ones though.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    One at a time is cool, but in large groups...that's another story!

    I appreciate you stopping by today!
