Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Small Emergency Came Up...!

I'm posting this as a" just in case post", OK?

Yesterday, after the family get-together, I started coughing up a little blood. Nothing major, but certainly out of the ordinary.

Sis is going to run me over to the V.A. to have it checked out, ad if I don't have to stay then I'll be ready with a decent post tomorrow.

Hopefully all will be well and I won't have to stay there. Nice place to visit, but not a place i want to stay for long, ya know?

I hope to see you all for coffee and an update tomorrow morning!


  1. Good heavens, Mr. Hermit!!! Praying everything turns out fine! Please let us know what happened. Hugs!

  2. Sure hope and pray that I will be reading your posting tomorrow. Sorry to hear about the emergency and please let it be a small one. Keep up informed.

  3. That was suppose to read "Keep us informed."

  4. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way Uncle Hermit.

    Big Hugs
