Friday, December 19, 2014

Mrs. Kent's Cottage For Freaky Friday...!

Somethings seem to be strange at first, then after a while they turn out to be just plain freaky!

This is a tale about a poor woman that went from being just a mystery to being a freaky mystery and remains a pretty freaky mystery to this day. This freaky tale is from the pages of Listverse...which has some pretty freaky stuff in it from time to time, I'm happy to say!

The Skeleton In Ada Constance Kent’s Cottage

Ada Constance Kent was once a prominent English stage actress, but as she grew older, she chose to live as a reclusive spinster at her cottage in the village of Fingringhoe. In 1939, Kent mysteriously vanished and left behind her some strange clues. A supper tray was resting atop the dining table, and a copy of Romeo & Juliet was found open in her chair near the fireplace. Authorities thoroughly searched the cottage and the surrounding area numerous times but could find no trace of Kent. The case remained cold for a decade until police were contacted by a bank. Since Kent still had some money deposited in an account, the bank was inquiring about her whereabouts. The police decided to perform another search of Kent’s abandoned cottage. To their shock, a skeleton was found inside the bedroom.

After Kent’s disappearance, her bedroom had been searched on no less than three separate occasions, the last time in 1942, but there was no corpse. Since then, a bough from an overhanging tree had fallen through the cottage roof, creating a great deal of rubble. In fact, it took police two hours to clear through the rubble to open the bedroom door. Other than that, everything else at the cottage seemed exactly the same as the day Kent disappeared. The skeleton was well-dressed and an empty bottle with a poison label rested beside it. There were no signs of foul play and the victim was tentatively identified as Ada Constance Kent. However, after the remains were sent to Scotland Yard, a forensic investigation concluded that the victim was too large to be Kent. The fate of Ada Constance Kent and the identity of the skeleton found at her cottage remain baffling mysteries.

Some things just seem to become more mysterious over time. I suppose that some mysteries are just never meant to be solved, no matter how old they are!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I don't have a clue what the weather is going to do, ya know?


  1. Hmmmm. Romeo and Juliet. She ran off with a lover for 10 years. Then she died. Lover is heartbroken and returns to cottage where they first met and kills self with poison. Think that's how it happened??
    Cold here - coffee in the kitchen is fine - I'll bring chocolate chip cookies!

  2. I love Chickenmom's theory. Then again I am a sucker for romance. Cold here agai after yesterday's freezing rain all day. I'll bring some Christmas cookies. Have a great weekend.

  3. That's a story better read in the bright light of day. Strange indeed.

  4. "skeleton was well-dressed" and "victim was tentatively identified as Ada Constance Kent."

    This would seem to negate Chickenmom's idea, wouldn't it; UNLESS Ms Kent wore men's clothes.

    Shiver - I'm too old and cowardly/chicken to ponder scary tales anymore.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    It certainly could have happened that way, providing the lover was female. I have a feeling the police would have known if the skeleton was male, don't you?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Cookies are always good! Like romance, I reckon.Me...I'll settle for the cookies!

    Thanks for coming over this morning.

    Hey Sixbears...
    I have to agree with you on that, my friend.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sissy...
    Maybe the lover was female. Could happen, you know?

    Strange tale with many unanswered questions.

    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. This is a really good mystery :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. If we had the answers, then it wouldn't be such a great mystery. Thanks Mr. Jim for another story to think about.

  8. Hey Christer...
    I'm glad that you liked it. my friend.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I kinda like the unsolved freaky stories the best!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  9. Sorry I got here so late .....great mystery for which I have no clue....hope there is a cookie left....cold with a wintery mix falling here.
