Friday, January 23, 2015

Missing Grave For Freaky Friday...!

Now a story about a grave yard would be freaky enough, but a missing grave? Especially a mass grave, at that?

Yep, I'd say this story from the folks at Listverse qualifies as freaky! How in the world do you lose a massive grave with multiple bodies? The answer sure beats me!

The Missing Mass Grave

Photo credit: Tyrone Area Historical Society

On May 30, 1893, a horrific train smashup occurred near the town of Tyrone, Pennsylvania. The Walter L. Main circus train had a brake failure coming downhill. The final undoing of the circus company proved to be a turn in the tracks, which the runaway train hit with such force that all except the last couple of its 17 cars shot off the tracks. Big cats, elephants, horses, reptiles, a gorilla, and human performers plummeted down a deadly 9-meter (30 ft) drop—some to their deaths. When everything became quiet, it was a pileup of mangled steel and corpses almost back to the level of the tracks it had fallen from. The elephants were injured but alive and were used to help clear up the debris.

From there on, the story gets hazy. It’s known that five people had died, but researchers aren’t so sure what other animals might’ve succumbed apart from the 50 horses and two circus cows said to have been killed. While the performing folk were stranded in Tyrone, they buried the animals in a mass grave on the land of a farmer named Hiram Friday. But now nobody can find it, not even archaeologists with ground-penetrating radar. For years after the accident, sightings of exotic creatures continued in the area, and an actual tiger was shot when it tried to satiate its hunger on a local cow. Nearby townsfolk reported kangaroos and parrots crossing their paths.

The grave itself, however, remains missing.

We better have our coffee in the kitchen this morning. High is supposed to be only 45 today.


  1. Now that is a mystery....fresh cinnamon rolls sound good this morning....I'll share :))

  2. Maybe if you check out back of the local butcher shop.....

  3. Good mystery, but I bet the answer is something pretty mundane. What fun would that be?

  4. That is a good mystery. How can something that large just disappear? 45 degrees sounds wonderful to me - shorts weather. But I'll join y'all in the kitchen for coffee. Have a great weekend.

  5. Good mystery this morning.

    So far not very nice here either. Yesterday's wind sure got the allergies up.

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    I thought it qualified for Freaky Friday as well! Strange!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    That may not be a bad idea!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Usually the simplest answer turns out to be correct. Takes the fun out of it, like you said!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Good question. I wondered the same thing!

    I don't think I'd wear shorts, but if you want to...well, go ahead! Braver than I am!

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Jo...
    Guess we are all having a good taste of Winter this year!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  7. I worked with a guy who came down to Texas from Philadelphia and rented an upstairs apartment with outside steps. He came out to come to work on morning and there was a huge tiger laying at the bottom of the stairs. He called 911 and they told him to call the dog catcher. I guess the tiger catcher was on vacation (grin). Turns out it was a neighbors pet tiger. All ended well.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I think if I was on the wayto work and found a tiger at the foot of my stairs, I'd have to change my drawers before doing anything else.

    Thanks for coming by today!
