Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ever Been Overshadowed...?

With so many things to be reported on now days, it's almost easy to see how some stories get lost in the shuffle.

Some of the news stories that got lost were big, but the attention of the public was focused elsewhere. That's a shame, really. Who knows how the media determines what's important and what isn't?

Queen Isabella Causeway Disasters

The Queen Isabella Causeway is a seemingly innocuous 3-kilometer (2 mi) stretch of road connecting the island of South Padre to the Texas mainland. During its brief 40-year existence, it was the scene for two unfortunate tragedies that went largely unnoticed by the media.

First, on August 13, 1996, a small Cessna airplane crashed into the bridge, killing the pilot and his passenger. As tragic as that might be, more important stuff was happening in the world. On that same day, the Galileo space probe indicated the then-shocking idea that Jupiter’s moon Europa might have liquid water. On the political front, two days later, Bob Dole was announced as a nominee for the presidency. And on an international front, the world finally saw a happy ending to the 1995 Airstan incident when a crew of Russian pilots made a successful escape after being held captive by the Taliban for over a year.

A more serious event took place in 2001 when a barge crashed into the causeway, causing entire sections of the bridge to collapse. Eight people died because they were unable to escape their cars, which fell into the water. However, this tragedy occurred on September 15, 2001, and from the date alone, it becomes pretty obvious what world-changing event took place just four days prior.

The focus of the media is often more concerned with ratings that with news affecting a large number of the population, in my opinion. I guess the rest of us will often have to keep up with the lesser news stories as best we can.

At least we can keep up with political scandals and the latest from the whacko world of the "stars". Certainly wouldn't want to miss that!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Just a tad chilly and wet outside!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! I find our own personal losses are often expected to be put aside in light of these things as well ......as horrible as 9/11 was.....I was sitting at the bedside of my younger sister watching her lose her 7 month battle with brain cancer....hard to say which made a bigger impact in my world...Snow snow snow here....love to join everyone in the kitchen :))

  2. Sort of like Facebook having the gall to try telling me what the "top stories" are.

  3. The media only reports what they want you to know that furthers their agenda. Keeping you uniformed lets them do want they want. And it has worked. Snowing here; I'll bring the Dunkins!

  4. I am tired of the media and what they think is important. And the more sensational /gory, the better. Oh and heaven forbid should they report something positive/good - that's a no no! Very cold here with snow flurries so I'll join you all in the kitchen.

  5. I watch or read as little as possible about all this depressing crap. I scan the readable stuff if nothing is worth reading I just move on.

    It's just a little chilly but should warm up nicely today but I'll join in the kitchen with everyone

  6. I witnessed a traffic accident first hand. I was the first car behind the wreck. The next day I read about it in the paper and it was nothing like I witnessed.

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    I really get tired of the crap touted by the media to be important. Sure, some of the stories are but most have no effect on my world.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Could be another reason I don't use Facebook or sites like them.

    Thanks, man, for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I figured that everyone knows the Main Stream Media is pretty much controlled by the PTB.

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Not many feel good stories in the news, that's for sure!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Jo...
    I scan the headlines every morning and several times each day...then try and find the stories that are real and important.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Somehow the true facts get hidden to make the story more interesting.

    Takes a good imagination to be a reporter, I reckon.

    Thanks for dropping by today!
