Sunday, February 1, 2015

'Toons For February 1st...!

Hard to believe that January is already gone, isn't it. Seems like the tie passes faster all the time.

I wonder if they will still be watching the 'toons in the future?

Mixing them up a bit today. OK?

Some of these artist were really good, weren't they?

I reckon that's enough for today. Maybe it's time to go read a book! Better yet, I'll bake some cookies!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain is on the way!


  1. Good mix of 'toons today, Mr. Hermit!
    Coffee & cookies are always a favorite. I'll take your rain over the snow we are going to get tonight!

  2. Thanks for the Coyote & Raodrunner this morning. Love them.

    they say the rain here is done but it sure doesn't look like it and heavy fog for this morning. there goes those plans.
    But your kitchen is always a keeper

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Hard to beat the ol' standby, isn't it?

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Jo...
    Looking more like Spring than Winter here today!

    Thanks, sweetie, for the visit!

  4. Sorry I'm late....thank you for the toons...good mix...I know the pot is always I to late for a cookie ??
