Saturday, May 16, 2015

Here Kitty Kitty...!

I guess this article I found over at KnowledgeNuts just proves what most of us already knew. Cats are NOT domesticated as much as we thought. Being a multiple cat owner, I can certainly go along with that.

Although I can attest to the fact that I'm allowed to pet them once in a while, they seem to think that my sole purpose is to furnish the chow. Heck, I knew that!

Cats Aren’t Really Domesticated
By Debra Kelly on Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ask anyone who doesn’t like cats and you’ll hear them testify that they’re standoffish, only occasionally sociable, and would be absolutely fine with digging into us for a meal should we die in our sleep. While others swear that cuddly little Fluffy would never do that, it turns out that there are only a few genes that separate Fluffy from the king of the jungle. There are about 13, to be more precise, and it’s only the genes that govern things like fear and docility that have changed. The rest of the house cat is still a wild cat, and researchers are now saying that at best, they’re only semi-domesticated.

When it comes to the age old question of cats vs. dogs, there are some very distinct and well-established views on who makes the better companion. Critics of cats often describe them as aloof, unpredictable creatures that merely tolerate our presence for their convenience. Well, it turns out that they may actually be more duplicitous than even their harshest critics have given them credit for. According to researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine, they’re not even actually domesticated.

They’re just letting us think they are.

Cats have been living with and alongside humans for 9,000 years. In those 9,000 years, though, they’ve retained most of their genetic makeup. Researchers mapped out the DNA of a domestic cat named Cinnamon and compared it with the DNA of humans, dogs, and wild cats. And there’s not that much difference at all between the genetic makeup of our house cats and their wild cousins.

In fact, they found that over 9,000 years of supposed domestication, there’s only a difference of 13 genes between the cats that lounge at the foot of the bed at night and the ones that we see at the zoo.

When it comes to most genes, cats remain the same as they were in the wild. They’ve kept all the same senses and abilities, they’ve kept the same meat-based diets, and the digestive systems to cope with being a carnivore. Because they’re still mainly carnivores and they’re still equipped to be able to hunt and find their own food, they don’t actually need us.

While dogs have been bred over generations and generations to accent certain traits and get rid of others, cats have only been bred into distinct breeds for the last 200 years or so. That means that dogs have had thousands and thousands of years to become more dependent on us for their survival, while cats . . .

Cats really do just tolerate us.

The difference in the genes between wild cats and our household companions are, obviously, cosmetic ones. They’re in the colors and patterns, they’re in the genes that determine the structure of their faces, and they’re in genes for docility. This goes hand in hand with how we think we domesticated the cat.

The theory says that humans generally realized cats were useful for keeping pests away from homes and food. Cats would kill rats and the like, and they’d be rewarded for it. But rather than actually domesticating the animals, we were just encouraging a natural behavior in the cats that were most inclined not to be afraid of us.

We succeeded in selecting the cats that were genetically more docile, friendlier, and more accepting of a human presence, but we absolutely didn’t domesticate them. We didn’t breed out the traits that might have made them as unmanageable as many people think that they can be today. We still wanted them to be able to hunt, to catch mice, and to patrol our fields, our crops, and our barns. What makes them useful is what makes them independent, and that goes for all of the estimated 600 million “domesticated” cats in the world.

They also continue to breed with wild cats, helping to keep their wild genes running through the population. The result is a constant companion that really just keeps us around because we have thumbs that can open and navigate the complications of the treat packages making them, at best, only semi-domesticated.

While I agree with this article on the whole, I have to admit that cats are sure a lot of entertainment. If they think the same about me, I can live with that!

It would be nice if they would stop bringing me dead birds and mice!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain is coming back again!


  1. I'm not surprised at all, it's enough to look at my cat Bertil. I know he only accepts me for getting the food :-) His brother on the other hand is quite the opposite :-) a bit too friendly, especially when I try to sleep :-) But still, it's mostly because he wants more food :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Christer...
    They certainly know how to get their way. I reckon they have us pretty well trained.

    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I am happy that there is at least one thing humans have not been able to screw up

  4. I have no trouble believing this living with our boys lol.....a cozy kitchen is. always nice :))

  5. A-n-n-n-n-d this is why I have 4 dogs.

  6. Hey Tewshooz...
    I'm sure that someone is trying to find a way, even as wee speak.

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    For those of us that have cats, it's very believable.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Lamb...
    Good to see ya again! I like dogs, but it wouldn't be fair to have them in the city.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  7. Well the old adage is true, cats don't have owners, they have staff.

  8. I have had cats and dogs. They are completely different in personalities, not just between breeds but within breeds. Just like people, each one has his or her own personality.

  9. Hey LadyHawthorne...
    How true that is!

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    You are certainly right about that! Good attitudes and bad ones, just like people.

    Thanks for the visit today!
