Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Friendly Enemies For Western Wednesday...!

As most of us know, the war between the states caused many family and friends to end up on opposite sides of the conflict. If friends were able to remain friends that was an amazing thing.

This is the story of a very unlikely friendship. One that was only interrupted by a war, and continued after the conflict. Thanks to Listverse for this story of a very strange and timeless friendship.

Ulysses S. Grant & James Longstreet

Photo credit: Brady-Handy Photograph Collection, New Orleans Photographic Gallers

It shouldn’t be that surprising to find out that two American generals were friends. These two attended West Point together. After graduation, they were both assigned to the 4th US Infantry. They fought in the Mexican War together. Grant and Longstreet went through a lot together, but they also overcame something that would put a damper on most friendships—they fought on opposite sides during the Civil War.

According to Longstreet, the two of them became friends in 1839 while serving as cadets in the Academy. He taught the future president to play brag (a predecessor of poker). A few years later, Longstreet even claimed to have introduced Grant to Julia Dent, his future wife and first lady of the United States.

During the Civil War, Longstreet quickly rose through the ranks until he became one of General Lee’s most trusted allies. Lee called him his “Old War Horse,” as Longstreet gained several important victories for the Confederacy. Later on, Longstreet was instrumental in convincing Lee to surrender at Appomattox, firm in the belief that Grant would offer fair terms. He did—upon seeing his friend-turned-rival, Grant invited him to a game of brag for old times’ sake.

Their friendship was rekindled after the war. Longstreet moved to New Orleans and became a prominent member of the Republican Party with the endorsement of his old pal General Grant. In turn, he would later provide his support when Grant ran for President.

I'm glad that these two great men were able to continue their friendship in later years. Sometimes having just one good friend can be a great thing...far better than worldly treasures, right?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. The carpet cleaners were cancelled yesterday due to the 3 or so inches of rain around our neighborhood.


  1. Thanks for the info, Mr. Hermit - going to read up on him! The rain has finally stopped up here, for today at least!

  2. I would rather have one very loyal friend than a dozen casual friends. Great story. Our rain has stopped for today so I'd better quick mow the lawn.

  3. A good Friend is a treasure indeed...thank you for another great look at history :))

  4. Still raining hard up here in Cut & Shoot. Interesting article, and there is nothing civil about a civil war. It places friends and family on different sides. This wasn't just an argument, it was a shooting, killing war. Thanks for the history lesson.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Should be an interesting read, I think.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    One good friend is special, for sure!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Certainly my pleasure! I enjoy digging up these stories about our forgotten history.

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Looks like it's hanging around for a while.

    Thanks for the visit this morning!
