Saturday, June 6, 2015

Sometimes Change Is Good...!

Most of us are pretty good about coming up with a game plan when starting something new. The secret is knowing when to change the game plan if needed.

Changing horses in mid stream may be the best idea once in a while. The businessman that can recognize and seize a new direction is often the most successful. Such was the case of Mr. Wrigley.

. Wrigley: Gum wasn’t part of the initial business model

William Wrigley Jr. got his start hawking his father’s soap products on the streets of Philadelphia. After moving to Chicago in 1891, Wrigley began offering incentives to entice shopkeepers to carry his ware, including free cans of baking powder with every order. When the baking powder proved more popular than the soap, Wrigley began selling that instead, tossing in two packs of chewing gum per order to sweeten the deal. The gum was such a hit that in 1893 Wrigley debuted two new brands of gum of his own, Juicy Fruit and Wrigley’s Spearmint. Ever the savvy marketer, in 1915 Wrigley sent free gum samples to every American household listed in phone books.

I guess what it boils down to is the ability to see when a new direction is needed and then take the appropriate steps. Sometimes change is a good thing, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's getting hot early, so be ready!


  1. I never knew that. I still chew Juicy Fruit lol :))

  2. How interesting! and so smart when to know when to change!

    I loved Juicy Fruit when I was a kid. Don't chew gum any longer though, my jaws hurt after a while :-) and I don't think they sell Joúicy fruit here any more.

    Have a great day!

  3. Loved Black Jack gum when I was a kid. All gum cost a nickel and you got five sticks in a pack. Liked the little boxes of Chicklets from the penny machine, too. We had rain earlier, but it should clear up later.

  4. Some people have a head for business. Then there are others like me who have a head only fit for hats.

  5. Sure was a good business man. Smart always works well when put together with a plan.

    Still a little humid here this morning but clear. Yes mornings are heating up quickly now.

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    One of those things from our childhood that doesn't seem to change!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    I never considered that another country would not have chewing gum. I reckon that if a flavor isn't doing well in a certain market, changing the flavors is another gtood choice.

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Man, I haven't had Blackjack gum since I was a kid. Boy, the memories just keep coming back, ya know?

    Thanks for the visit this morning!~

    Hey Jo...
    He did seem to have a head for business, that's for sure!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

  7. Sent sample to everyone? What an idea and it sure worked!

    This not a robot thing at the bottom is a pain in the butt! It's lot easier when I can just check the box rather than have to sort thru all those pictures for the noes it wants.
    I know you have no control over that...

  8. How many phones were there in 1915? But a good marketing plan since those households with phones were better off and could afford treats. Back when I was in school in Pennsylvania, we got to tour the Clark's Teaberry gum factory in Pittsburgh. That sure was a sweet smelling place.

  9. Hey Rob...
    The comments still work even if you don't do anything. I just ignore it!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    Seems like the man was always doing something a little different. Made lots of money doing so.

    Thanks for coming over today!
