Monday, July 6, 2015

A Haunted Abbey For Monday Mystery...!

When it comes to places being haunted, religious buildings are reported just as often as regular ones. No place is immune, I reckon.

One thing about this next place, it has a very interesting history. That is worth a lot in a decent ghost story, ya know. The better known the place is, the better the story of hauntings is. At least, that's what I've been told!

The Lucedio Abbey

Photo via Wikimedia

The Lucedio Abbey, located in the province of Piedmont, is said to be one of the most haunted places in Italy. It was built by Cisternian monks in 1123 on land given to them by the Marquis of Monferrato. It later became a major cultivator of rice in the region, until it was secularized and sold off by the Vatican in 1784. After passing through a number of different owners (including Napoleon) the abbey has now been incorporated into a modern rice farm.

Due to its (alleged) grisly history, the abbey has spawned a number of legends. When the area is foggy, ghostly monks can be discerned wandering through the mist. One of the buildings possesses a pillar that inexplicably becomes wet, “crying” for all the evil things it has seen. During a restoration of one of the abbey’s houses, a perfectly preserved man is said to have been found buried inside a wall. More corpses can supposedly be found in the crypt, where the mummified bodies of former abbots sit in a circle of thrones, preventing the release of a monster trapped underground. The surrounding countryside is also said to be haunted: A hooded figure can be seen roaming the countryside, and one local church possesses a painting of an organ pipe and piece of sheet music known as the “Sheet of the Devil.” If the notes on the painting are played in reverse, the piece can apparently summon Satan himself.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry to spend the night in this place. Not that I believe the stories, but why take the chance, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Don't know as that place is high on my list of "hotels" I want to spend the night in. Sounds like a good one for "Ghost Hunters" to check out.

  2. Hey Linda...
    I certainly hear ya on that! Can't say that I want to stay there myself.
    Thanks for dropping in today!

  3. I have seen n heard enough unexplained things as it is, without going looking for them. Patio sounds good got some good cantaloupe if anyone would. like some. :))

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    No need to go looking for trouble, that's for sure. I'm with ya on that!
    Thanks for stopping in today!

  5. It's amazing how the building is still standing they sure knew how to build things back then. the story is good too, sound like all these places of horrible stories behind them and always seem to have lots of ghosts around.

  6. Interesting story. Although I am skeptical of some things, I don't disbelieve anything. I remember when I was a kid I was told "you have as much chance of doing that as you would going to the moon". Now, there have been multiple visits to the moon!

  7. Hey Jo...
    Yeah, it does. I wonder why that is? Are the ghost just reckless?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, many things once thought to be impossible are now commonplace. Kinda makes you wonder about the future, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!
