Wednesday, July 22, 2015

John Coffee Hays For Western Wednesday...!

I don't think we have talked about Hays before, but with a middle name of Coffee we owe him another look. Couldn't hurt, right?

John Coffee Hays

John Coffee Hays

Born in Tennessee, Hays arrived in San Antonio in 1837, shortly after Texas won its independence from Mexico. By 1841, at the tender age of 23, he was a Ranger captain. A fearless fighter and skilled leader, Hays won his fame defending Texans from raids and attacks by both Native American (Comanche) groups and Mexican bandits. More than any other man, he would come to symbolize the Rangers of the Texas Republic era. During the Mexican War (1846-48), Hays’ Rangers scouted, defended U.S. supply and communication lines from attacks by Mexican guerrillas and fought alongside regular U.S. army troops, earning a national reputation for their bravery. After the war, Hays went further west to California, where he made his name in politics, real estate and ranching and helped found the city of Oakland.

Judging from his hair-do, I'd say John might have had a few too many servings of coffee before his picture session. Guess looks aren't everything, though.

Coffee out on mthe patio. Hoping for showers later on.


  1. The way California is going, his hair would be standing straight up by now!Finally cooler here - the windows are open wide! I'll bring the Dunkins.

  2. Interesting history as always.... save me place and donut...I'm on my way :))

  3. Maybe he was drinking Turkish coffee. That stuff will make anyone's hair stand straight out. Glad he was such a good Ranger. Save me a place… I am on my way.

  4. He was a fearless guy for sure.

  5. He sure did have an interesting life and varied. I bet that guy never got bored.

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    He probably wouldn't have any hair left after seeing things today.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Glad you enjoyed the post.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I've heard that about Turkish coffee. Think I'll have to pass on that one!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I reckon you needed to be that way back then in most cases.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I don't think boredom was ever a problem for this guy.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
