Monday, July 13, 2015

Miracles Do Happen...!

From time to time something happens, even in medicine, that defies explanation. Many are never explained in any fashion known to man.

This story from Listverse shows that miracles do indeed happen. Nothing else could even come close to explaning what took place!

The Miraculous Recovery Of Owen Thomas

In many near-death experience stories, a patient is brought to a hospital with slim expectations of survival, then makes a miraculous recovery. However, few of these recoveries are more unlikely than that of 20-year-old Owen Thomas.

On December 16, 1981, Owen saw his friend being attacked on a New York street corner and intervened to help. Stabbed three times in the chest and abdomen, Owen’s heart, liver, and gallbladder were punctured. By the time anyone ran over to help, his intestines were hanging 20 centimeters (8 in) out of his stomach. Owen was rushed to Beekman Downtown Hospital. When he arrived, his body had already lost so much blood that his chances of survival seemed nonexistent.

Owen’s heart stopped beating, and he had no pulse or blood pressure by the time doctors went to work on him. Owen’s bowels had also been severed by the stabbing, so his intestines were covered in feces. Although Owen was clinically dead for over five minutes, somehow he survived several hours of surgery.

Doctors feared that the long period of oxygen deprivation would cause serious damage to Owen’s brain, but he was completely coherent when he woke up and displayed no negative aftereffects. Owen’s recovery defied all medical logic. Everyone involved thought it was a genuine miracle.

Later, Owen described a vision of entering Heaven, where he encountered his older brother, Christopher, who had died in a car crash two years earlier. According to Owen, Christopher pushed him out of Heaven. “We don’t want you,” Christopher had said before Owen woke up. Owen Thomas’s unlikely recovery remains one of the more miraculous near-death experiences on record.

Believe it or not, it seems that this is another case of a medical miracle. I would rather believe in miracles than doubt if they exist, ya know?

Co0ffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. God works in mysterious ways. Going to be another warm one today!

  2. I believe in miracles. As more and more of these "out of body, heavenly" experiences are recounted, I believe more and more. Bad storms expected here all day.

  3. i have seen miracles with my bare naked eyes. it keeps me going when the doubts and depressing things press in.

  4. I wouldn't know what else to call these happening but a Miracle.

    We had a crazy storm come thru here last night lasted for hours. Cold and damp this morning so your patio is just the thing

  5. I would get a little upset if someone told me I wasn't wanted in Heaven!!

  6. Hey Jo...
    Sometimes there is no other explanation.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey LadyHawthorne...
    Good to see you again! Miracles are a very good thing!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    That He does. That He does!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    No other way to explain much of it!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Debora...
    We probably have seen more than we even know.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I think we all depend on them, buddy.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I probably would as well. Maybe they could just add a "yet" to what they said.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    As do I, my friend!
    Thanks for joining us this morning!
