Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sam Houston Was A Man Of Action...!

Ol' Sam was not beyond taking some action with folks he had a problem with. Could be a man like him would be a welcome change in today's political scene.

He attacked a congressman walking down Pennsylvania Avenue with a cane.

Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

On March 31, 1832, Ohio Congressman William Stanbery accused Houston of fraud in a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. When Houston encountered Stanbery walking down Pennsylvania Avenue two weeks later, he called the congressman a “rascal” before beating him repeatedly over the head with a cane that was fashioned from hickory harvested from the Hermitage, the estate of his political mentor, President Andrew Jackson. The congressman drew his pistol in self-defense, but when he pulled the trigger, the gun jammed and never fired. After Houston delivered several more blows, he left the bludgeoned Stanbery on the side of the capital’s main thoroughfare. Although high-profile lawyer Francis Scott Key, who penned the lyrics to the “Star-Spangled Banner,” represented Houston, Congress convicted him of contempt. A civil court also found Houston guilty and ordered him to pay $500, but he never paid a dime and Jackson eventually ordered the fine to remain uncollected.

Sounds to me as though Sam had the good sense to make some useful friends along the way. Politics haven't changed much over the years, I reckon.

Coffee out on the patio once again today.


  1. Our country certainly had some colorful characters in it's past. Patio sounds fine...we are predicted to have rain all week here. :))

  2. Not a bad idea considering the current bunch in Washington! I have a craving for jelly donuts. I'll bring a whole bunch to go with your good coffee, Mr. Hermit!

  3. I'll take Old Sam over our current bunch any day. What a sorry bunch we have on Capitol Hill. Jelly donuts sure would go great with my coffee, thanks Chickenmom. Nice and cool here again today - 52 degrees when I got up.

  4. I think I could have gotten along with Ole' Sam quite well. hahaha

    Beautiful day up here on the Mountain

  5. I wonder how Texas history would have changed if Stanbery's pistol hadn't jammed?
    Another beautiful day here on the Hood Canal in Washington.

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    Colorful is a very good way to say it. Some of them were a little wild around the edges.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    He would be arrested for assault right off the bat today. Still, it would be interesting to see how he reacted for sure!
    Thanks for dropping in this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    He would have probably been popular on todays ballot. A much better choice than our current ones.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I think you are right about that! You would certainly have hit it off!
    Thanks, sweetie, for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Interesting question. Texas' past would have certainly have been less colorful.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Just goes to show you that you don't mess with Texas nor Texans.
