Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sam Bass For Western Wednesday...!

Well, we got a little rain yesterday and that's a good thing! Before the rain, we had reached 106.To celebrate, we'll do a little history of Sam Bass, the outlaw.

I know we have had ol' Sam on here before, but he fits right in today. Still holds the record for the biggest haul from a Union Pacific train robbery, for all the good it did him!

Sam Bass
July 21, 1851- July 21, 1878

Bass started out an honest man. After running away from the abusive uncle who raised him, he went to work in a sawmill in Mississippi. His dream was to be a cowboy and he eventually made his way to Texas. After one season, he decided he didn’t like it. In 1876, Bass and a rough character named Joel Collins drove a herd of longhorns up north where the prices for cattle were higher. They were supposed to go back to Texas to pay off the owners of the herd, but instead they took the $8,000 profit for themselves. He and Collins wasted the money from the cattle drive on gambling in Deadwood. A few months later, he and Collins went into another venture- stagecoach robbery. After holding up seven stagecoaches, they didn’t make much money. They set their sights on bigger prizes and turned to train robbery. Bass and his gang robbed the Union Pacific gold train from San Francisco, netting over $60,000, which is to this day the largest single robbery of the Union Pacific. He was wounded by Texas Rangers on the way to rob a small bank in Round Rock, and died two days later on his 27th birthday

A little side note about Bass. He is rumored to have hidden some of his ill-gotten gains somewhere around Round Rock, Texas. Folks have been searching for a long time for a bit of that particular treasure, but so luck!

Coffee in the kitchen again. Hopefully the rain will come back again!


  1. Guess crime didn't pay for him - he died so young!

  2. To die at such a young age. Sam Bass was one of the featured people on a TV series called "Legends and Lies". So was it worth it to turn to a life of crime? Guess not. Hope you get some rain. We sure could use some here also. Hot and humid again today. Have a good one.

  3. Yeah, if only Grampa's treasure map had turned up ole Sam's treasure - where would you and I be today? Guess maybe we're better off here, after all, with our blog friends. Let me know how things go today, huh?
    Big hugs ~

  4. Sure was a busy guy. But in the end he had died with only his boots on I guess. Good post.

    We had a heck of a storm last night, now just hot and humid.

  5. When you find out where he buried all that money, you will lit me know where it is, right?

  6. Hermit's got no electric at his house or Mom's right now, so no post from him this Thursday am. He'll be back as soon as he can. Loong story ...
