Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Saturday Baboon Mystery...!

Baboons and monkeys are fun to watch, for the most part. Once in a while though, they exibit some pretty strange behavior that no one can explain. This is certainly one such case.

Collective Baboon Apathy

In 2013, a typically rambunctious colony of baboons at the Emmen Zoo in the Netherlands was struck by a bizarre case of mass hysteria. All their regular antics—playing, fighting, greeting their treat-bearing keepers—stopped, and they simply sat.

The odd event started with a massive burst of chaos. Then nothing. One group sat high up in a tree and refused to do anything, and the apathy spread throughout the whole colony. This wasn’t the the first time that it’s happened. In 1994, 1997, and 2007, similar occurrences of mass apathy happened in the same group of baboons. During the previous episode, they all sat motionless in their enclosure, looking off in the same direction. They didn’t eat and they didn’t socialize. They just sat. Nothing similar has happened in any other zoos, and it hasn’t been linked to a unique quality or characteristic in the dominant member of the group—the dominant member has changed between the episodes.

Slowly, the baboons came out of their trance-like state. Younger baboons started acting up again, older baboons resumed their parenting duties, and gradually, they all got hungry and started looking for food again. There’s been a wide range of theories about just what was going on with the baboons. It could be minor, undetected earthquakes, or a random fright that might have been as simple as someone wearing a scary T-shirt. These theories have been thrown around, but none have been proven as explanations for the baboons of the Emmen Zoo to sink into their occasional funk.

So, what do you think? Did they suddenly go on strike for more treats...maybe some type of protest for the Baboon Union? Maybe they just wanted to take a break and zone out for a bit. Strange if you ask me.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's supposed to be in the low 70s and that's a good thing!


  1. Now lots of things come to mind here. In one instance they all faced the same way. It might have something to do with the some disturbance in the Atmosphere or the earth itself. Or yes they simple went on strike. LOL

    IKt is a wonderful morning for sure to be out with friends and good coffee

  2. Hey Jo...
    No telling what goes on in the mind of an animal. Strange to me that it has happened more than once!
    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  3. How about a hidden toxin in their grub. Kind of like the fungus (Ergot) that causes St. Anthony's Fire in grains(rye).

  4. Hey Judy...
    That certainly could explain some of the systems. Who knows?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Debora...
    Yeah... she can come up with some good ideas, that's for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. It is hard to figure out Baboons or Humans. They have much better hearing than humans and maybe they heard a meteor entering and burning up in Earth's atmosphere??

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    Makes sense to me! But then...I'm easy to convince!
    Thanks for coming over!
