Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Tuesday Mystery For Ya...!

Everyone seems to like a good old fashioned mystery, especially one that is unsolved. Today I have a good one for you and it's not even Monday Mystery time!

The Disappearance Of David Lovely

In the summer of 1985, Jackie Aubut was planning to make a cross-country move from California to Massachusetts. She would be accompanied by her 19-year-old son, David Lovely, and his 18-year-old sister, Allison. The family loaded all of their belongings into a moving truck, but David wanted to make the entire journey on his motorcycle. While his mother and sister traveled in the truck, David followed closely behind them.

Things went smoothly until they stopped in Evanston, Wyoming, on August 5. David told his family that he needed to get some repairs done on his motorcycle but agreed to meet them at a nearby rest area. When Jackie and Allison arrived at the rest area later that day, David was not there. Even after they spent the entire night at the location, David never showed up.

The family soon learned that David’s aunt received a phone call from him. According to David, his motorcycle had broken down, so he pushed it to a truck stop in Fort Bridger and encountered a rough-looking man on a Harley Davidson. Even though David was initially afraid of him, the man actually wound up fixing the motorcycle, so David planned to rejoin his family. This would be the last anyone ever heard from him.

Nine days later, David’s motorcycle was found on an isolated dirt road. The keys were in the ignition, the tank was half full, and the motorcycle appeared to be in good condition. David’s knapsack and books were also found on the ground beside it. Other than the phone call to his aunt, there have been no confirmed sightings of David Lovely after he separated from his family, and he remains missing 30 years later.

Now how's that for a good missing person mystery? Makes you wonder just what did happen to the young man, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. You always hear about cases like this happening. And yes, it really makes you wonder what happened to these people. I'll place a bet on alien abduction. hehe Beautiful morning again here. I'll bring some fresh baked bread for everyone.

  2. It can be dangerous out there on the road. People disappear all the time.

  3. How often this happens is any ones guess. So many questions to ask, good one to ponder over coffee this morning.

  4. Hey Linda...
    There are just so many strange things happening out there that we will perobably never be able to explain.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    We all need to be extra careful, I guess.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    We'll probably never know how many times something like this goes on. This one is 30 years old, so...
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  5. I trust people too much. It is better to be wary in this day and age. . . and even in any day and age in the past. There are just a lot more people and better communications now a days.
