Friday, September 18, 2015

Ever Hear Of Fogbank...?

Once in a great while, I find out about something I've never heard of before. Fogbank is one of those. Definitely qualifies for Freaky Friday!

Not only is this strange stuff rare, but it is very expensive to make. This article from Listverse will tell you more than I could, that's a fact!

What Is Fogbank?

When the US Navy set out to refurbish their W76 warheads, a significant part of their nuclear arsenal, they ran into a serious problem. Once they opened up the warheads, they discovered a classified material code-named “Fogbank” that needed to be replaced. Except that no one knew how to make it.

Fogbank was made in the 1970s and ’80s, and there were very few records detailing its creation. Anyone involved with it had already left the agency. This led to a $23 million attempt to create a replacement material, which ultimately failed. Another $69 million was spent to rediscover Fogbank’s manufacturing process, which was successful.

Although Fogbank is critical enough for the Navy to invest $92 million of taxpayer money to recreate it, no one except those involved in the project knows exactly what it is. A former manager in its development went on record as saying that its composition, use in the weapon, and method of creation are all classified. Experts suspect that it’s a kind of aerogel that functions as an “interstage” in the warhead, surrounding the fission and fusion parts of the bomb and transferring energy between them. Whatever it is, it’s a reminder that even the most critical pieces of technology can fall victim to the “fog” of time.

Call me crazy, but I suggest the folks making this stuff take some detailed notes on the recipe this time around. Don't want to hear someone say "I haven't the foggiest" when asked how to make some more, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Summer is back to stay, I reckon.


  1. Makes you wonder what else they forgot. Was in the 40's here this morning.

  2. I totally agree with you Mr. Hermit. When you make something that classified you better have some "notes" hidden somewhere and someone else should know where to find item. Just goes to show how far some people will go to keep themselves important. What if that item was the sole purpose for keeping humans alive. Just thinking you know. Have a great weekend.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Kinda unnerving, isn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Had to be some pretty poor planning, if you ask me.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Well isn't that just like the government to spend all our money and then not remember. Then they wonder where all the money went.

    It is so beautiful this morning, I haven't looked at the temps for later today don't want to know either.

  5. Yep, whatever that "fogbank" stuff was, the government sure kept us in the fog about it.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Easy to spend it when it isn't your money.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Louis...
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That they did. Seems like they even kept themselves in the fog as well.
    Thanks for coming by today!
