Monday, October 26, 2015

Another Nuclear Story For Monday Mystery...!

You have to wonder why the PTB in some countries don't seem to show a lot of interest when their scientist turn up dead.

I would think that with these guys being all involved in nuclear research, someone would be pretty concerned. Guess there is more that we are not supposed to know.

Dying Nuclear Scientists In India And Iran

Over the past decade, a string of dead nuclear scientists has concerned many in India. While authorities have ignored the deaths or labeled them as either “unexplained” or “suicides,” many locals are raising questions about the long list of their best and brightest who have died under questionable circumstances.

Two high-ranking engineers on India’s first nuclear-powered sub were found dead on a train line. Although it’s believed they were poisoned, their bodies were left on the tracks to make their deaths look like suicides. However, the police came to a different conclusion. They dismissed the case as two “routine accidents.”

Another man was strangled in his sleep. Some of the investigators tried to pass the death off as a suicide, even though the evidence for murder was overwhelming. Still, no arrests were made. Two other scientists were burned to death in their lab, although they weren’t working with flammable materials when the fire broke out. One official was abducted by an armed group but managed to escape. Again, authorities were quick to brush off the incidents as isolated.

The trend parallels the deaths of Iranian nuclear scientists, but the Iranian deaths are getting far more media attention. The Iranian scientists are being killed with car bombs. Iranian officials and media lay the blame on Israel, which categorically denies any involvement. Fingers are also being pointed at the US, which likewise denies having anything to do with the killings.

Certainly seems to me to be more than meets the eye, if you know what I mean? Sounds more like some nuclear hanky-panky going on to this ol' boy. Thanks to the folks at Listverse for pointing this story out.

Better have our coffee in the kitchen just in case the rain wants to come back.


  1. Feel sad to hear about the sorrowful life of the scientist...

  2. Hey W.W...
    The loss of life is always sad, especially when it seems to be called something it isn't.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. Good question you asked this morning. Why ARE all these scientists turning up dead? And why are TPTB telling us the truth? I feel sad for the families that aren't getting any true answers to their loved one's death. Looks like it is going to be another nice but cool Fall day here today. I got to mulch leaves again yesterday.

  4. Lots of "suicides" going on around the world. Being a banker is getting pretty risky, too. Does make 'ya wonder! We'll be getting your rain on Wednesday. We need it!

  5. Maybe to close to finding they something they shouldn't.

    I hear you had lots of rain down your way. Lots of porch time here, but they say more rain in on the way for us too.

  6. Hey Linda...
    Guess the truth is not for the common folks, no matter what country .
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Does kind of make ya wonder, doesn't it?
    Many thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Either that or maybe they found it!
    Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by today!

  7. I guess it doesn't pay to know too much.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Not unless you want to end up glowing in the dark, I reckon.
    Thanks for coming over today!
