Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Remember this guy...? He was really something!

Very few people could handle a harpsicord like he could, that is for sure!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The Austrian-born wunderkind first took up the harpsichord when he was just 3 years old. He composed his first piece of published music at age 5, and by his teen years, he had already written several concertos, sonatas, operas and symphonies. Mozart and his sister Maria Anna—herself a musical prodigy—traveled widely through Europe exhibiting their talents in royal courts and public concerts. From Bavaria to Paris, audiences marveled at the boy wonder’s ability to improvise and play the piano blindfolded or with one hand crossed over the other. During a 1764 stopover in London, he was even tested and examined by a British lawyer and naturalist named Daines Barrington, who was awestruck by the 8-year-old’s ability to sight-read unfamiliar music “in a most masterly manner.” Mozart would eventually grow into one of Europe’s most celebrated and prolific composers. Before his untimely death at age 35, he wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

600? That's a lot of music, folks. I don't care who you are!

Coffee out on the patio this morning,


  1. Wow!! That is a lot of music to compose in such a short life time.

  2. Some folks have talent, and then there's folks like me. lol

  3. He was an amazing person. Wish I had some of his talent.

  4. He was an amazing talent for sure.

    It sure is nice to have good hot coffee this morning, down into the 20s again

  5. Hey Dizzy...
    It is indeed!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    I hear ya, sir!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    You and both!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Too cold for me!
    Thanks for dropping in today!
