Thursday, December 10, 2015

So Here's The Deal...!

Yesterday at 3:00 I had to take Mom back to the doctor's office. After an examination and chest x-ray, they told me to take her back to the hospital for further test. They called the emergency room and told them we were on the way.

The main concern, besides the constant coughing, was the really low levels of oxygen. The hospital started her on a full work-up and more x-rays to find out if maybe she had pneumonia.

We arrived at the hospital at about 4:00 and I got back home about 9:00 pm. Mom is checked into the hospital so that they can better treat her. Maybe this time they will get it right before her release. Let's hope so.

So anyway, that's my post just letting you know what's going on at the Hermit's. Coffee is in the regular spot, so help yourself. Hospital coffee is really nasty, I'll tell ya!


  1. Said a prayer for her and the rest of you.

  2. Hugs and prayers!

    Keep looking, there is some decent coffee in the hospital somewhere. Dad found it, in of all places, the medical intensive care unit(MICU) second shift. After they move him to the Cardiac unit, the nurses muled him some down every evening after first shift went home...Come to think about it, the male nurses may have liked the fact he had the world series going in his room. LOL

  3. 'Hope your Mom is resting comfortably and getting better with all the doctors and nurses taking care of her. Make sure you take care of yourself, too. Prayers for all. (Best coffee is at the nurse's station)!

  4. I will say a prayer for your Mom. Take care of yourself.

  5. I hope she gets better care this time and they take the time to run all the tests. You know I am here for you. I will keep your mom in my deepest thoughts and you also. We have Starbucks in the hospitals here. Maybe you should bring a thermos of your great coffee with you.

  6. Hoping your Mom makes a full recovery. I use an oxygen generating machine at night. Maybe you could get one for your Mom.

  7. Hey Judy...
    Sounds like a true coffee lover to me!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'll find it if They keep Mom very long. If nothing else, I'll take my own.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I certainly appreciate it!Thank you for stopping in!

    Hey Jo...
    I may have to do that, but maybe she will not be there too long. Only time will tell, I reckon.
    Thanks sweetie, for drop-ping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That may be something we need to look into. I'll see what the doctor says.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Jim, I found a place where I could purchase my own, so I bought two of them. I kept one in the RV and one in my home. They are big and heavy so didn't want to keep lugging them back and forth.

  9. K told me about Nanny. Sounds like they should have kept her the first time. When you visit please let her know that I am thinking of her (thinking of you too)and hoping she recovers soon.

  10. Hey, mister Hermit, sir, would you kindly give Nanny love from me, the kids, and Cygnus? And give yourself one from us, too, please.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
