Monday, January 25, 2016

Another Sea Mystery...!

Nothing seems to stir the imagination like a good sea mystery.

This is one you may not have heard about. Governments were involved, but that should come at no surprise. Here is another tale from the high seas.

Bermeja Island

Photo via Wikimedia

In the 1970s, Bermeja Island served as a marker for Mexico to set its 200-nautical-mile economic zone. Just about 20 years later, the island disappeared without a trace. Along with the island went important documents containing a treaty regarding major oil reserves within the island’s region. The disappearance of these documents immediately gave rise to conspiracy theories that the CIA had something to do with the vanishing island, ensuring that the US would get the oil. The main theory has it that the CIA actually blew up the island in order to expand the US’s economic zone.

The island is mentioned in a 1998 book about Mexican islands, disregarding the fact that a fishing expedition party already reported that they were unable to locate it the previous year. Bermeja Island was found on historical maps between 1535 and 1775, after which it also mysteriously seemed to vanish from any geographical records, right up until 1857, when a US map once again included it. The timelines vary according to different sources, with some saying that the Mexican government actually went looking for the island in 1997 but were unable to locate it.

Further research in 2009 also didn’t turn up any missing islands, stirring further confusion as to whether the island ever actually existed. The mystery of Bermeja Island seems likely to remain for a while.

You just have to love these sea mysteries, especially unsolved ones like this.

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. The CIA will blame global warming and the rising ocean waters.

  2. This is a good one for today. You KNOW the CIA is involved. Love your response Chickenmom and it is so true.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Someone has to blame Mother Nature, so guess it's their turn.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Most logical folks to be in charge of something like this.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Well stranger things have happened they say. Can't beleive this hasn't been investigated more. So it doesn't seem unlikely that the CIA maybe didn't have something to do with it. Why wouldn't they have had those big boats with all the equipement to go down and look with sonar and diving subs.

    This is a good subject for the patio over coffee.

  5. With all those spy satellites up there, if the island still exists you would think they could spot it. But maybe they can't see as much as they let on. Of course if the CIA is involved, they wouldn't tell us if they found it or not.
