Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mom Gets Out Of Rehab...!

It's been a while, but Mom is finally getting out of rehab tomorrow. I know she is ready to come home.

It has been an interesting experience, that's for sure. Mom has had some health issues while there, one is her continuing cough. She also came down with another case of pneumonia. That was the main reason for the extension.

One of her main complaints while staying there was not being able to get a good night's sleep. That is a problem for many people when they get used to their own bed and their own noise level as well. Hard to rest well in a place that is always noisy and full of people.

For the most part, the staff was helpful and seemed to be concerned for the patients. I don't know how much they concentrated on Mom's strength, but I reckon we'll find out. That was the main reason for putting her in rehab.

Anyway, I know she'll be glad to be back home. The other issues we will work out as they show up. Tuesday I go back to V.A. for a follow-up with the cardio doc. That should be interesting, to say the least!

So...that's the latest update from the homefront. Sorry about not giving a more regular report, but I wanted to wait until I actually had some news for ya. At least it's mostly good news this time, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Glad to hear things are progressing.

  2. Bet everyone will be glad she is coming home! Hopefully she'll get stronger with plenty of rest and sleep. We are all praying you get a good report, too!

  3. Glad to hear your mom is coming home. Hopefully she'll get more sleep in her own bed. Praying for a good report for you from the VA.

  4. Bubba -
    She certainly is looking forward to it, and I know things will change for you , as well. See you Friday afternoon for the interview with the "providers". Hopefully this will take some of the burden off you.
    Stick around awhile yet - we still need you! And of course we love ya, too.
    Big hugs ~

  5. Yes this is good news, it's hard to get a good nights sleep when not in your own bed, but when your in a place where they are always checking on you (in you best intrest) it still interups your sleep.

    Wished you well at your VA check up keeping you in my deepest thoughts.

  6. Great news! On the humorous side the title of this blog would makea great country song title!

  7. Hey Gorges...
    Progressing well, thanks. I reckon at 90, getting a good night's sleep is more important than ever.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'm thinking that once we get into a routine here at her house, improvement should be forthcoming!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    A good night's sleep can do so much to improve your health that it is amazing. Important to have the batteries recharged.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sis...
    Mentally I think it will help to be around familiar settings. This will probably help more than anything right now.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Nothing compares to coming home after being away for a while. I've been there before. Now to just get better..
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  8. Hey VWRobb...
    I hadn't thought about it, but your right. Almost sounds like it!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. So glad your Mom got home. She should improve much faster at home where she feels comfortable and safe. Now you, you get yourself taken care of and do what the doc tells you to do. Please oh please take care of yourself. You are a special guy.

  10. Glad to here she's home. Hope things go better from here on.

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm sure that being at home will have a positive effect of her. No place like home is so true. The rest is the most important thing, I think.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Thanks Sixbears...I'm sure that they will!
    I appreciate you dropping by today!

  12. Hope all stays well in both households. My best to you both.
