Sunday, January 10, 2016

Old-Timey 'Toons...!

You might know if anyone could find some creepy cartoons, it would be me!

Believe it or not, but some of these are Disney! Far cry from present day 'toons, right?

And maybe just one more...!

Well, I warned ta they were strange and a little creepy. Maybe they are creepy just because they are so old!

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. That was fun, Mr. Hermit! Those are what we used to watch on Saturday mornings before Bugs and Road Runner came along!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    They were a lot of fun back then. Still are, in my opinion!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Never could figure out how they could be spooky with all the singing and dancing (grin).
