Friday, January 22, 2016

Radioactive Fireman For Freaky Friday...!

With all the improvements being made on todays cars, this should come as no surprise.

However, the results of some of these new features may surprise you.

The Radioactive Man

In May 2012, Connecticut firefighter Mike Apatow was on his way to an appointment when he was unexpectedly pulled over by a police officer. Surprisingly, he was not pulled over for a routine traffic stop but rather for being flagged as a radioactive car. This came as a surprise to Apatow because his car contained nothing radioactive, except for the driver himself.

Earlier that day, he had been injected with a small amount of radioactive material to track his blood flow during a nuclear stress test. The amount of radioactive material is extremely low, about equivalent to a CT, but it was just enough to set off the radiation detector in the police car.

What surprised Apatow the most was that police cars could even detect his radioactivity. The officer stated that the detectors are part of homeland security and that many police cars are fitted with them in Connecticut.

This is a development I haven't heard of before. Might be a good thing and it might not!

Coffee out on the patio this mrning.


  1. Wonder what else police cars have..

  2. Wow, that is interesting. Did not know they were doing this. So what else is Homeland Security not telling us? Have a great weekend.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    There is just no telling. In this day and age, nothing would surprise me much!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Came as a surprise to me as well. Never know what is going on anymore!
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Back in Nov. I had this test done, and yes they can detect this radiation. I had to carry around a piece of paper for a week just in case I was stopped.

  5. Well now, how am I going to get full for my reactor?? (grin)

  6. Wow, I guess I had mine done in the stone age, I got no paper and nobody stopped me. Hmmmmph. What next? or dare I ask?

  7. Hey Jo...
    I never knew about this. I must have missed something somewhere down the line.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Good question my friend. Where to go indeed!
    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey JMD...
    Don't feel badly. I missed it also
    Thanks for the visit this morning!
