Friday, February 12, 2016

A Mystery For Freaky Friday...!

Now this is a strange case of a murder mystery and a bizarre tale all rolled into one.Not too bad for a Friday, right?

Isidor Fink

On March 9, 1929, Polish immigrant Isidor Fink finished delivering some laundry and returned to his small New York apartment. Only 15 minutes after Fink entered the apartment, terrible screams (but no gunshots) were heard coming from inside. The neighbors summoned a police officer, who arrived to find both doors locked from the inside and the windows nailed shut, also from the inside. The windows were also too narrow for an adult to climb through, forcing the police to gain entry by means of a small child, who unlocked the door after the cops lifted him through the transom.

Fink was discovered lifeless on the floor with three gunshot wounds to his chest and wrist. A search of the apartment failed to turn up a weapon. The only fingerprints belonged to the victim. Fink’s money had not been stolen and it would have been impossible for an intruder to lock the doors from the inside after leaving the apartment. But suicide also seemed impossible, since there was no obvious way for Fink to dispose of the weapon. It’s also unclear why a suicidal Fink would have shot himself in the wrist and chest. Increasingly puzzled, the cops went over the apartment in search of a hidden door or secret entrance. They found none.

As a classic case of a seemingly impossible crime, Fink’s murder has attracted considerable attention over the years. Crime buffs have suggested that a killer might have been able to bolt the door from the inside using a piece of string, but it’s not clear why anyone would develop such an elaborate plot to kill an ordinary laundry owner. Additionally, the neighbors called a police officer immediately after hearing screams, leaving a very narrow time frame for a killer to escape.

After all these years, the crime remains unsolved.

Maybe one of you mystery buffs out there could come up with a solution. Couldn't hurt to try, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Simple,he got shot on his way home, but made inside locked the door and died. Larry in Tennessee.

  2. I agree with Larry - that's the only possible way unless the killer was hiding somewhere in the room.

  3. Larry has the most plausible answer except for why would he scream! Unless he didn't realize how badly he was hit until he looked in the mirror. Good one for today. Have a great weekend.

  4. Love the mystery. I like Larry's solution but I should think there would be a blood trail. Something to ponder.

  5. Larry's, idea but like Momlady, there should have been a blood trail. Good mystery for today.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Yeah...I thought it was.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Larry...
    Makes sense to me.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    That certainly sounds like the best answer to me.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    The scream also puzzles me. Why would he do that?
    Thanks for stopping by today~

    Hey Momlady...
    Does seem like a blood trail would follow those types of injuries.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Keeps coming back to the blood trail. Must be a reason why there isn't one.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. What makes it a good mystery is that we will never know for sure just what did happen.
