Saturday, March 5, 2016

I Have A Silly Question...!

I've been thinking about this one for a very long time now. You may find it silly, but I really want to know what you think.

Should you shower in the morning or in the evening? That's my question!

Here's why I ask. Being retired, I have the freedom to do mostly what I time isn't a factor. If I sleep in a bit in the morning, it's no big deal. However, all I've done is lay in bed and sleep, so why should I shower when I first get up? I mean, how dirty can I get just sleeping? I can see washing my face to wake up some...but a shower first thing in the morning seems a little unnecessary to me.

Now when it comes to the evening, that's a different story. If you have been outside working in the yard or something like that, then you probably need that shower. If you have been just hanging around inside reading a book, binge-watching a television show or something like that, then do you really need a shower? How dirty can you get by reading? Maybe you could even skip a day, ya know?

I figure it's really all about habit. If you grew up taking a shower in the morning, you'll probably stay with that. The same goes for showering in the evening. I figure that there isn't any wrong way to go. Like I said, it may be a silly question but I'd still like your opinion.

Coffee out on the patio this morning, if that's OK with you!


  1. Showers? I prefer a nice long soak in the tub (with bubble bath), a glass of wine to sip and a good book to read while I'm there. I don't care what time it's done - morning, afternoon or evening. It just depends how dirty I get.

  2. Until very recently, now age 69, I have always been one of the oily skin folks. So even without doing much during the day I felt much better showering in the evening. Now that age is catching up with me and my skin is getting pretty dried up it does not seem to matter as much about when showering.

  3. It depends on what I do during the day. If I've worked outside while it's cool in the summer I'll shower after the work is done. In the winter I usually shower in the morning so I'll feel more awake and fresher during the day. Guess it just depends, eh?

  4. It is a good question. Of course when I worked it was first thing in the morning, now it depends on what my plans are for the day. But I don't jump right in the shower anymore don't have too go anywhere right away. So after coffee and breakfast which doesn't happen until after 9 I will shower. Of course if I know I'm going to be doing dirty work I wait until I'm done. So there you have it.

    Gloomey looking day here so far, see you on the patio

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    The secret word here is bubble bath, right? I haven't had a good soak in the tub in a long time.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Barney...
    I reckon that circumstances can dictate when we shower. I can certainly understand the oily skin thing. Whatever feels good is the best way to go.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    When working and the like, showering is more necessary in the morning. Us retired folks can do what we want!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  6. i am from cold places so i showered in the evening so as not to be cold and wet in the frozen a.m. .
    that was every day.
    now i am old and i don't do it every day except in hot weather or if i do sweaty work.
    used to wash my hair every day, too. that is over. wash it when convenient these days.
    as to the basic question, shower in the evening to avoid dirtying the sheets, even a little.
    if you also need a wake up shower, take one, a quick one, but there should be cleanliness, not only next to godliness, but next to the sheets as well.

  7. Hey Deborah...
    That makes sense to me, especially about the clean sheets. Not many things feel as good as real clean sheets!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. It isn't even the month of May yet. Are you saying that one should shower more than a couple of times a year? (grin) For me, it is in the evening.

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    Guess we should stick to the cowboy's schedule Think that's too much?
    I appreciate you coming over today!

  10. I prefer to shower at night to wash off the dirt before I get into a clean bed, or in my case recliner. I also don't shower every single day if I have not gotten dirty or smelly. I have also found that my hair looks and feels better if I only wash it once a week to 10 days. That may be due to the fact that it is no longer oily, but rather dry.

  11. I was thinking along about June the water is getting warm enough .

  12. It depends on what I've done for the day. If I've been at my job (cashier @ Walmart) I must shower. I'm mean have you seen people these days? LOL Sometimes I'll shower in the morning to wake my behind up. I don't drink coffee, caffeine doesn't work on me anyway.
