Sunday, March 13, 2016

Once Again It's Sunday 'Toons...!

No need to wonder what the post is's Sunday and that means 'toons!

And one more to end the morning.

Just let me know if you tget tired of Sunday 'toons, and I'll start doing something else...OK?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Temps getting close to 80, ya know?


  1. We love 'em Mr. Hermit - but if you are tired of looking through all those cartoons to post, we understand! I'll bring an almond coffee ring to share. 80 degrees - wow!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    I don't ever get tired of watching a few, just trying not to repeat myself. Just don't want to be boring, ya know?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Keep em coming my friend helps staying young at heart if not in body.

  4. Hey Jo...
    Exactly the way I feel! I need all the young I can get!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!
